082 | Yeosang | Taste

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Suggestive | Fluff

Paring: Boyfriend!Yeosang x Reader

[Warnings] : Making out, Food play, Soft Dom Yeosang. Hickeys. Nipple play. 

There were chocolates all over the bed and rose petals

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There were chocolates all over the bed and rose petals. You hadn't even gotten your dinner dress off yourself when you saw the sight before you. Yeosang chuckles from behind you and he snakes a hand around your waist.

"The dinner was enough," you say with some tease to your tone.

"Awe you don't like it?" He asks.

"No, no. It's romantic," you laugh.

But you do like it. It's very cute. Yeosang guides you over the bed all while he unzips the back of your dress. He spins you around as you begin laughing even further. You shake off your dress and kick it across the room. You stand so close to him, bare-chested and only in your laced undies. He pushes you lightly back onto the bed as he keeps his face inches from yours. When your back is flat against the bed with all the chocolates and petals digging into your skin, he kisses you deeply. His fingers graze your sides and a shiver chills down your spine. You moan into his mouth as he pushes you up the bed, placing a knee between your legs. He gently rubs his knee against your clit and it's what you've been wanting all night.

Suddenly there is too much clothing on Yeosang. You rip off his jacket and his shirt soon follows after. He sits up and undoes his belt to chuck off his pants awkwardly while you both giggle. You watch the sight as you wash your hands over all the chocolates and petals on the bed. Your hand finds itself grabbing a couple of the wrapped chocolates. Bringing it in front of you, happiness swells inside as you read, caramel, on the wrapping. Yeosang knows you too well. You unwrap it, but instead of eating it yourself, you plop it in your lover's mouth as he comes down expecting another kiss. He chews with a smile as you grab another chocolate from the bed.

"Today has been lovely," you tell him softly.

Before he can say anything, you pop another chocolate into his mouth. You grab another chocolate but this one is taken from your hold. It's only now that you finally take notice that Yeosang is completely naked over you with his cock half erect. You take in the sight as he unrolls the chocolate.

"Open wide," he whispers, pressing the sweet to your lips. You take the chocolate into your mouth along with two of his fingers. Your tongue dances around his digits before he pulls them out slowly so you can chew and swallow the sweet.

"Another," you beg. Something lights up in him and he reaches over for another chocolate and gets two. He opens both of them and presses one to your lips. Again, you slowly take in the sweet with his fingers, licking them before he pulls them out, exactly how he did it prior. You can clearly see he's getting excited by this with his cock now being fully erect. And you, yourself become wet. He feeds you another chocolate and you think that you could stay here forever. Being fed well with sweets.

But before you could beg for another chocolate, a shock wave of pleasure makes your gasp out. His mouth latches around your bare chest, sucking harshly on your nipple while twisting the other, gifting you with painful pleasure.

"Y-Yeo..." Your fingers tangle in his fluffy hair, tugging it. He groans at the feeling, biting down a little rougher. He chuckled in amusement, continuing his assault on your chest. Purple marks riddled your skin, as he glanced at his work. You always looked beautiful to him, but when he got to taint your body, that's when he thought you were the most exquisite.

"Happy Valentine, my Darling." His lips danced up your body, ensuring he kissed every part he could reach.

"And to you as well, my love."


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