035 | Mingi | My Love

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Fluffy Fluff | Highschool au | Comedy

Warnings: None, this is the cutest thing I've ever written ah!

Synopsis: Mingi is an adoring boyfriend who loves his partner with his whole soul. Oh did I mention he's having a photoshoot? :)

 Oh did I mention he's having a photoshoot? :)

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"And if you subtract the...." Your teacher's words slowly burred into the background as you continued to draw aimlessly. Time flew without knowledge as you got lost in the way your pencil scratched on the paper. That was until a pair of large hands covered your eyes, making you jump.

"Guess who." His words for low and goofy, making your heart flutter. You place your pencil down, pretending to think.

"Hmm, Yunho? Maybe Seonghwa??" You lied making the male behind you uncover your eyes with a pout on his face.

"SEONGHWA!! HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT HIS HANDS FEEL LIKE?!?!" He acted like he was attacked, holding his heart while leaning back on the chair he was previously seated on. You let out a laugh noticing the class was almost empty as everyone was clearing out.

"It was a joke, my big baby." You laughed, packing your stuff up into your bag before standing up. Placing a kiss on his forehead he too jumped up, now towering over you. He grabbed your hand as you both walked out towards the courtyard where you and your friends were seated.

"You look good today, you ready for the photoshoot?" You smile at him as his outfit was absolutely perfect on him with his hair styled and light makeup matching his attire. He and his members were a part of a school band and a popular one of that, and today they were taking photos for the school album for the end of the year.

"I had a more revealing outfit but I saved that for you when we get home." He giggles, making you slap his chest.

"Mingi!" You gasp making him laugh at your innocence. He loved to tease you. Once you met up with his friends you all headed to the photoshoot. Watching all the boys take photos separately and together, you could help but smile. They were such hard-working students as it is and taking most of their free time they spend making music. It started as a joke but now it grew into something more.

"Did you see me, baby!" Mingi cheered as he was finally done with his photos, smiling like a kid in a candy store. You smiled back giving the giant a hug replying with a simple yes.

"You look, cold baby? You want my jacket?" The room was cold having an air-con on to keep the equipment from overheating. You nodded, watching him slip the fabric off his body. The jacket was huge on you but it was warm and the best part, it smelt like him.

"You look so tiny ashh" He looked at you with adoring eyes, giving you a kiss on your cheek, then your nose, then your lips. And another on your lips again, making you giggle.

"I love you...Tiny." he laughs at his new nickname for you. You give him a long kiss on his lips before replying.

"I love you too...Tree trunk." You laughed.



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