148 | Yeosang | Cold To The Touch

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Fantasy | Smut | Supernatural


【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Your undead lover had finally come back from a late night hunt, finding you shivering from the winter weather. But do not fret, as he was...skilled in keeping others warm-ish.

ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Vampire!Yeosang x Human!Reader

[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Making out. Nipply play. Fingering. Wax play. Yeosang got cold ass hands.

To say it was freezing was an understatement

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To say it was freezing was an understatement. You were curled up in a ball of blankets in front of a dying fire. And you would have gotten up if not for the warm spot you had made. Moving required opening your cocoon to the frost and you were in no way about to do that.

"My my... don't you look warm." A deep chuckle caught your ears, tilting your head a bit you saw a tall shadow standing by the now-opened bay window. The broad figure closed the window quicker than your voice to ask for it to be shut. It was Yeosang coming back from a late-night hunt. He and his friends as gone out despite the cold―but then again they do not feel such temperature drops like you Fae―in search of some food. Given the stains on his shirt, you'd say he found what he was after.

"I'm a literal human ice pop. There is nothing warm about me." You grunted feeling displeasure at the change of weather. It wasn't supposed to get this cold until the later months, so you were a little―and by that it means a lot―underprepared. Yeosang hummed, moving to the fire, picking up form of the dry wood from the rack before placing some more to begin to heat up the room. You sigh in contentment as a silent way of saying thanks which Yeosang understood.

"I would off to help keep you warm. But I'm afraid that not in my department." He tisk, slightly irritated in himself for being undead. No heartbeat, meaning no hot blood pumping through his veins. So he was permanently cold, well until he cuddles with you. Then his coldness drifts away quite quickly. "Actually... I could help." He sat down on the end of the couch, leaning himself forward so he was hovering over you making sure his face was inches from yours.

"You just gotta heat me up a little first." Yeosang's cold lips kiss your whimpering warm ones. His tongue slipped in your mouth, drawing a moan from you perfectly distracting you from his hands slowly undoing your folded blankets. Once he manages to hook his long fingers under the split he opens the fabrics abruptly showing off your bare chest. "No clothes?"

"Clothing is uncomfortable to sleep in when you are covered in so many blankets." You had a point but Yeosang still had to laugh lightly at your words. You huffed beginning to feel the cool on your exposed skin your nipples standing tall from the frosty breeze. Yeosang's cold fingers pinched them gently sending a gasp reeling of your tongue. His cool skin felt different compared to the coldness of the weather. Like there was a hint of fire burning within. He rolled the nub under the tip of his finger, before releasing it and doing the same to the other. His free hand snaked slowly down your belly, making you feel everything shiver that his cold skin touched.

"You still cold darling?" He had the cheek to ask knowing full well that you were still feeling the freezing breeze around you, even the fire no longer helping. Before you could think of a repose that would be more the surely laced with attitude, your mind suddenly short-circuited.

"Holy shit!" You shrieked, gasping for air as you felt Yeosang's ice-cold appendages slide between your hot folds before pushing inside your cunt. But this time instead of yelling at him, your mind was slipping into a pleasurable hazy. You were no longer annoyed with him. Not when his cold fingers were nestled snugly in your soaking pussy. It was something you've never felt before, having trouble in describing it, even to yourself. All you knew is that you wanted more.

"You okay baby?" his sinister grin and low chuckle made you aware he knew what he was doing. You nodded like an idiot as he started to gently curl his fingers, adding another one as he thrust slowly in and out. After a few moments of him using his fingers along with placing his icy thumb on your clit he knew you were not going to last much longer. You were enjoying the sensation, letting your moans echo around the room, while your back started arching. This was when Yeosang decided he was going to tip you over the edge.

Without taking his hand out of you he reached for one of the candles that sat on the small table in front of you both. He sped up his movement making sure you wouldn't notice him moving around. Luckily you kept your eyes closed more focused on the feeling his fingers were gifting you. And then he dripped some hot wax over your exposed chest, catching your nipples and sensitive skin.

"Fuck!" You hissed snapping your eyes open to see the candle tilted in your lover's hands.

"What? You said you wanted to be warm." He laughed dripping some more but this time on your tummy, making you take in a deep sharp breath. He stroked your walls and rubbed your like at a heavenly pace all the while finding new places on your naked body to drip more wax making you a moaning mess.

"S-Sangie. I'm gonna, fuuckk."

"Damn Darling, don't you look so pretty like this." power rumbled in his gut making him feel a sense of authority from how your body reacted to him. You shivered while your thighs snapped shut around his arm, bucking your stuttering hips. You came so hard you nearly blacked out but Yeosang was there to draw you slowly down your high.

Well, at the end of all this. He certainly kept his promise to make you feel warmer.


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