001 | Ot8 Reaction to their s/o in a cat outfit

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Smut | Fluff | Reaction Au

Smut | Fluff | Reaction Au

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Hongjoong :

If it wasn't the company studio, he was in the home studio. Your boyfriend was so hard working that it sometimes scared you. He needed a break, so you got the purrfect idea to help him. a silky maid outfit, a beautiful soft black tail butt plug, collar and ears that are perched on top of your head.

"Joongiee." He hummed in response to your soft voice calling out his name. He was glued to his computer screen, not moving an inch. You sway your hips over to him, tugging at his shoulders, hinting at him to turn around.

"Baby I'm Bu–" He choked on air seeing your little outfit. You quickly straddle his lap, purring into his neck, giving him kisses along his jaw.

"Let your kitty help you."

Seonghwa :

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Seonghwa :

His favourite thing was to corrupt your innocence. Making you his dirty angel. You didn't know Hwa was going to be back that evening, thinking he would be back the day after. But he managed to get home early. You were listening to soft music while you tried on different lingerie sets that came in the mail recently. Settling on a white one you put on a matching white cat tail and ears. It was cute. You left cute. The dress was soft and fluffy. You twirled around the room looking in the mirror at yourself, little did you know was your loving boyfriend was standing in the doorway.

"You look cute Honey." You jumped at his voice. He just chuckled walking over to your small body.

"Well, what did I do to deserve such a beautiful sight." His words were soft but they hid lust behind them, knowing very well he is going to taint every part of your innocent white outfit.

" His words were soft but they hid lust behind them, knowing very well he is going to taint every part of your innocent white outfit

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