141 | Mingi | Intoxicated

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Fantasy | Smut | Wolf au


【Synopsis】 : Your friend needed your help with trying out one of her experiments, and let's just say Mingi was about to never let you leave the bedroom ever again because of it.

Pairing: Wolf!Mingi x Wolf!Reader [Mates]

[Warnings] : Scenting. Lowkey scent play. Mention of glands. Pet names. Heavy manhandling. Mingi has kinda lost his mind from lust. Oral. The reader is literally littered in teeth marks and hickeys (whoops). Unprotected sex. Videoing. Sex tape. Swearing.

"Just try it, trust me

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"Just try it, trust me." The voice of one of the she-wolves replayed in your head as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You had just had a shower, getting ready for the day when you were reminded of the perfume that was given to you for an experiment. You see Dove, the she-wolf, had been learning potion-making from Yeosang, and had asked you to be a test subject. At first, you said no, because let's face it, you weren't about to take something that could possibly hurt you, curse you or kill you. But after she explained herself, you decided to help her. So here you standing with a suspicious perfume in your hand, placing it slowly on the spots she mentioned, 'Place it on your glands, wrists and just behind your ear'.

"Okay..." You sighed to yourself, rubbing in the liquid. Now, what might this do, you may ask, according to Dove it was a pheromone enhancer, a chemical to open your mating glands and potentially helps you find your soul mate quicker. But before Dove gives this to an un-mated creature, she wanted to see if mates would still become more crazed by said smell. So she asked you, since you were mated to Song Mingi, one of the guards and a member of the leader circle, she knew his reaction would be worth it.

Mingi was expected home any minute, and honestly, you were shaking with nerves. You didn't know what the smell would do and worry clouded your judgement. And what's worse was you couldn't smell it yourself. Since the liquid was unscented and only activated with your scent you have no clue what it smelt like on yourself since it's your own scent. So you sat in your matching shorts and shirt PJ set with little pink hearts as buttons on the front of it. Your fingers were tangled in the hem of your shorts fiddling with the fabric until you suddenly heard a deep voice echo through the home.

"Darling I'm Hom―." He quickly cut himself off at the sudden whiff of the most intoxicated, sweet scent. It was like his brain cut off, leaving one the animal nature conscious. He began to stalk the bedroom. You couldn't hear a thing given he was like a silent stalker, only letting his prey know he was there when it was too late.

"Mingi...Is that you?" You gulped having heard your lover's voice before it was strangely cut off. Was he okay? Can he already smell you? What if he left thinking it smelt bad? A million reasons slipped in and out of your mind making you go to stand up but before you could do anything a large snarl and broad figure appeared in the bedroom door frame. "M-Min..."

Mingi rumbled lowly, making your wolf cry out for his. You instantly felt the urge to strip yourself for him, let him have his way with you. But you stayed still awaiting for your lover to speak. He took only three large steps to reach you on the edge of the bed. You could finally see his features and it only made you whimper seeing his eyes were pitch. Dark with lust, and his nose flared taking in more of your scent. Your hand slowly moved to grab his and the minute your fingers grazed his palm he snapped. His hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you up while his other arm gripped around your waist, holding your body flush against him. His nose brushes against your bond mark, the mark that symbolizes you were his and he, yours. He took a big inhale, taking in your new enhanced scent.

"My pretty little wolf." was all he said before gripping the front of your top and ripping all the buttons open, making them scatter everywhere. His mouth latches onto your mark, biting down, hard, making you scream out in the sudden painful pleasure. He grunted against your skin pulling away to see a new mark on top of the old scared one. He wanted to do it more, make you riddled in his love bits, hickeys.... teeth marks. The sheer idea of his teeth marks all over your smooth figure made his blood go straight to his cock. "Mine."

He lifted you up to kiss along your bare collarbone, nibbling slightly on the top of your exposed beasts. You were standing on your tiptoes so he could reach your nipples, suckling them with care. To say you were in an awkward position was an understatement but you stayed like that purely for Mingi's pleasure and as his hands snaked onto either side of your hips letting him rut his erection against your tummy. You knew you needed to move. "Min..B-bed."

He grunted in response, removing his lips from you, lifting his hands onto his own hips so he could watch you crawl onto the bed. You never broke eye contact with him, slipping off your shorts and panties, you spread your legs so he could get a good view of your soaking core. His eyes danced over your body feeling proud of the hickeys he had left on your chest and neck, but he needed more. More bites, make you covered in him. He pounced on you in an instant, biting any part of skin he could reach in a short amount of time. He sinks his teeth into your flesh, sucking lightly, then licking the wound before moving on. Repeating that process over and over until you were covered in bite marks and harsh red love bites everywhere. "Mingi...Mingi please." You squirmed, feeling the soreness of the bites but you couldn't have it any other way. The feeling of each mark aching and the desire to show them off to the world made your head spin.

"My little wolf. So pretty, all marked up." He bent down to give your thighs a soft kiss, but his hunger surged through him and your scent was driving him crazy. You whimpered feeling his hot breath pool against your pussy. You didn't realize he was so close to your core until his hot tongue licked a long strip along your folds. "Yours so wet and I haven't even fucked you yet. You enjoy being covered in my marks. You a dirty little girl hmm?"

His words made your head spin and his lips on your sensitive bud made you lose control. "Mingi, please. just fuck me, do something p-please."

He chuckled sitting up, letting you go, so he could sit on his calves staring at you. "My god, as if you couldn't get any more beautiful." He leaned over your frame grabbing your phone off the counter before opening the camera. "I wanna remember these marks, so when they're healed I can mark you up. Again...." He took a photo, "And again..." He unzipped his jeans letting his cock out so it could brush against your puffy pussy, then he presses record. "and f-fuck again..." He sunk deep in your cunt groaning out while he recorded his cock slipping in and out. He kept the camera on the way your chest bounced and the marks and hickeys painting you like an art piece.

His art piece.


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