150 | Jongho | Godess Amongst Commoner

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Suggestive | Sweet Love


【Synopsis】 : Overhearing for so-called friends make fun of your "failures" in life made your loving mobboss boyfriend very unhappy. No one makes his Honey cry.

Paring: MobBoss!Jongho x Chubby!Reader

[Warnings] : Shitty Friends. Mention about putting on weight (which is normal). Mention of a standard. Dark thoughts. Reader hates herself. (I love you all so much.) Jongho wants to lowkey kill your friends. Pet names. Swearing. Crying. Kisses. Hickeys. Little bit of man handling. Fingering. 

It was supposed to be a calm day hanging out with your friends but it got turned on its head when you got the the place you were going to meet them and you overheard them talking about your 'failure' in life

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It was supposed to be a calm day hanging out with your friends but it got turned on its head when you got the the place you were going to meet them and you overheard them talking about your 'failure' in life. God, it hurt hearing them explain it like that. It wasn't like it was your fault that your life came to a crashing stop. It's not like you asked to get a back injury and gain some weight over the healing time.

It crushed you, trying so hard to lose the weight was no easy task. It was like it stuck to you. You became so insecure about it and you thought your so-called friends were supportive and loved you no matter what but it turns out they now looked at you like an outsider. All because you were a few sizes bigger than them.

You felt the restaurant, not even taking the corner to where they were sat. Knowing that if you saw you they would stop you. They would have most likely say 'oh why are you leaving babe, don't go' but in reality, you now know, it was just pity. That's how they looked at you. Like a puppy, they had no choice but to look after.


You spent the next hour walking home instead of calling for a ride, punishing yourself in a way. When you saw the gate to your front lawn you sighed feeling relief. It wasn't that the walking was hard or anything. But you wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball on your soft bed. What you didn't expect was for a motorbike parked discreetly in your driveway. 'wonder who that could be' you thought sarcastically.

Opening the door to your house you notice the front door was unlocked, along with a pair of nice dress shoes sitting on the shoe rack. You took your own shoes off, hissing at the pain of walking for so long on small platforms. "Jong?"

You called, voice echoing in the silent home. He didn't normally show up unannounced let alone on his bike, given he worried so much about your safety. But when you entered the lounge room and spotted him lying on your soft sofa with one of your plushies tight in his grasp that you keep nearby so you could cuddle it while sitting on the couch alone. You had to smile at him. For a roughed-up mob boss, he sure looks like such an innocent baby right now.

"You better be laughing at yourself doll." his deep grumble caught your laughter in your throat. He didn't even open his eyes, just twitching slightly. He knew it was you the moment he heard the pitter-patter of your socked feet padding around the small home. He was, after all, in a line of work where he needed to be vigilant. "Why are you home anyway?"

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