065 | Yunho | You Only Live Once Pt.1

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Suggestive | Fuff | Slice of Life

Type: Yunho x Gn!Reader

Warnings: Kissing, Thigh grabbing, some insecure thoughts, overall cute

Synopsis: He wants to tip you over the edge to finally see if you liked him back. But neither of you could of guessed this would be the outcome.

It was a joke, well if a joke played with your feelings then call you a comedian

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It was a joke, well if a joke played with your feelings then call you a comedian. Sitting on your Bestfriends couch with him turned at your side. His face was inches from yours, while his words soft as they slips off his tongue.

"You want this..." He asked, making red blush flood on your cheeks. His arm hooking around your waist as he inched closer, while you inched back. Again and again. Until you had nowhere else to go but down, falling onto your back with him on top of you. His lips still closing in on yours.

"Tiny..." He whispers your nickname, bobbing his head as if he was egging you on to kiss you for real, but he never did. Only keeping them mere centimetres away. His hot breath pooled on your lips, as he licked his lips. Your eyes bore into his, getting lost in his dark brown rivers.

He wanted you to make the first move, he wanted you to seal the deal, but he knew you needed a push. A helping hand. Your embarrassment took over pushing him up with a whine. He chuckled the situation off, maybe he read you wrong.

You sat there for a moment while he stared at you. He leant down against the couch, leaning his head over the cushions to look up at the ceiling. He didn't notice you watching him, your eyes scanning his body head to toe. Did he really like you the way you liked him? Were the feelings mutual? All these questions went around and around but it all ended in one conclusion.

You only live once right?

A saying Yunho lived by and would say whenever he was about to do something stupid with the combination of hurting himself in the process. But hey life is meant to be wild. You let out a small sigh, before moving fast, climbing onto Yunho's lap in seconds. He tilts his head up to make eye contact with you, his hand immediately going to the side of your thighs, fingers digging into the soft flesh.

You wait no time for his words or reactions, grabbing the sides of his face you smash your lips on his. He groans at your actions, holding you tight. One hand snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest, while your hands left his cheeks to wrap around his neck. Your finger entangles in his hair, tugging lightly, gifting you another groan from him.

Your heart was racing fast, along with his. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. Your friendship was ruined but now something new could blossom. You wanted this and so did he and hey, you only live once.


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