050 | San | Consequences

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Romance | Suggestive | Smut-ish | Angsty

Type: San x AFAB!Reader

Warnings: Pinning, Fighting inner feelings, pet names, Heartbreak, Seduction, Heavy makeout, Battling feelings, Neck kissing, Hair pulling, Marking, Cheeky San.

Synopsis: intoxicated confessions lead to being stuck alone with a man you tried so hard to avoid.

Synopsis: intoxicated confessions lead to being stuck alone with a man you tried so hard to avoid

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It all happened so quickly. It was the most excited and nervous you've ever felt. Whatever self-control San had that night was crumbled away. His confession had been firmly and completely out of the blue. Then again it might have been the alcohol in his system that gave him the confidence to do it. Sober San's level of self-restraint might have kept his secret longer, but now he couldn't get over how many secretive glances you both exchanged. But that's all the relationship was, a side-eye glance here and there. Small brushes of shoulders. Or the occasional lingering fingers grazing over random fabric-covered skin.

"Have Fun." You told your brother, Hongjoong, with a big smile making him smile back at you. Your smile always made you look younger, well younger than your twenty-first-year self. That is what Hongjoong would always say. "Make sure to eat!! Don't stress too much."

Hongjoong and the rest of the Hyung line had a meeting with some producers for their new upcoming programs, comeback, blah blah, you didn't really pay attention to the whole array of tasks he had planned. He briefly said goodbye along with the others before getting in the van to leave.

Once entering inside you briefly caught a glimpse of San down the hall. The gym door is wide opened his smooth skin is covered in a layer of sweat as he does pull-ups. Butterflies fly around in your stomach as his gaze met yours for a moment. You quickly walked into the kitchen, grabbing a drink. Closing the fridge, you turn around to see the older man behind you, making you jump.

"Jesus San! You scared me." You held your chest, feeling your heart was going to beat right out of it.

"Ha, Sorry Dollface." His low chuckle made your heartbeat ever faster. Is this man trying to give you a heart attack?! He also grabbed a drink from the fridge while granting you an award-winning smile the whole time. You made your way to the living room, situating yourself on the floor in front of the couch. Your back pressed against the bottom half of it, you take a sip from your bottle in the hopes it will calm your nerves.

San entered the lounge room soon after, a water bottle in hand. You noticed he had ditched his top t-shirt, leaving him in a tight black singlet and joggers. His hair was wet, stray hairs stuck to his forehead. Your mind wandered, sometimes wishing he wasn't your brother's bandmate, one of his best friends. San chose to sit on the floor beside you, his long legs extending in front of him. You both didn't say anything for a moment choosing to sit in silence...Until.

"Hey umm..." San began to speak, nerves surging through his words. "About the other night..."

You turned your attention to him slowly. With worry, you begged with your doe eyes for him not to say any words, especially anything to do with what happened a couple of nights ago. But as in most situations in life where you wanted something really badly, you were met with a big spoonful of disappointment.

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