086 | Yunho | Better Than Him

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Smut | Angst |  Some fluff at the end.

Paring: Mob Boss!Yunho x Female Reader

[Warnings] : Swearing, Mafia Life. Cheating (don't do this but in this case, it was a good choice) making out, unprotected sex (big no-no) rough sex. Size kink in all areas. Yunho is 6'0, beefy and just a very big boy. Shitty Husband. The reader gets objectified by gross men. Reader cries. Pure filth. Dirty talk. Pet names. Oral (reader receiving) mentions of killing someone. Getting caught. Creampie. Yunho has a big dick and big dick energy. Yunho has a bit of an obsession with the reader. Mingi and Hongjoong are mentioned. Hehe.

Part 2 can be located on page 101

Through a life you had not chosen, you knew from the moment you met your husband

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Through a life you had not chosen, you knew from the moment you met your husband. He was a pig in human form. His gaze would linger on your form rather than looking you in the eyes. The first time you met he introduced himself as your soon-to-be. Being the only heir and daughter in one of the largest mafia families had perks, but it mostly brought downfall. Your father warned you, never to fall for anyone. You must keep your family first. Keep them successful. Be married off to another mod boss in order to keep the peace.

That's how you ended up where you were now. Standing in a ballroom, dressed in the most luxurious clothing and with a tall glass of wine in hand. Your husband―well you are still not married yet but he introduced himself as so―Lucas, kept his hand on the small of your back, not wanting you to wander too far from him. People milled around you, chatting politely in the enormous mansion. You nursed your drink, the plastered smile making your cheeks ache in disgust. You wished to leave his side, be painted as something, anything else other than a wife with no voice.

The famous Jeong Yunho stood across from Lucas. He didn't have to speak any words for you, or anyone to know he ran the city. He was the definition of power. In an all-black suit, he stood stark in contrast to the plain white and gold theme ballroom and the bright lights of the chandeliers. Lucas wasn't oblivious to the way Yunho drank you in as he approached the two of you for the first time this evening. He could always catch Yunho sneaking glances every time you all meet at public events. He didn't mind one bit though. Eye candy was better for business and plus his ego would rise every time someone would eyeball you. He knew he won, the golden prize. You. He cleared his throat, and Yunho regretfully ripped his eyes from your face to look at your husband with a blank expression.

"Babe, Mr Jeong is our host tonight. Be a dear and fetch us more refreshments to say thank you," Lucas said, squeezing your back, not looking at you for a second. He never really looked at you, unless it was to perv at your form. He didn't think of you as a human being, you were more of a piece of meat to him. Before you try and politely take your leave Yunho stops you by placing his hand up to rest of your arm in a small unmotivated gesture but it ignited a fire inside the pit of your stomach.

"Thank you. But that will not be necessary." He clicked his fingers and one of the staff suddenly stood in front of you within seconds, fresh wine already made. He smiled slightly at you for a moment, something he didn't do until he met you. His enormous hand enveloped around your one. His silver rings indented your skin lightly, making you relish in the feeling of his touch, and he seemed to do the same. Lucas cleared his throat, obviously feeling excluded from the conversation but being a little too stupid to see the lingering glances you were giving Yunho. You rolled your eyes so only Yunho could see, and he shot you an amused wink before turning to your husband.

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