094 | Seonghwa | Cruel, Yet Kind

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Suggestive | Mafia Au | Angst | Fluff

Paring: Mafia!Seonghwa x Reader

[Warnings] : Blood. Mafia gang stuff. Mention of killing. Making out. Light choking. Dirty talk. Pet names. The use of daddy (obviously) reader gets naked in front of Hwa. Some angsty stuff. Hwa cries at one point and he is also covered in blood but it's okay. It's hot.

He was the sweetest boyfriend. He was caring and loving. Always performing kind gestures and showering you with nothing but the most endearing and kindest form of love. He treated you with nothing but respect, believing you were his equal. No one could have seen this coming from Seonghwa. He was known for being blunt, cold and in all honesty... cruel. Even his leader, the head of their gang, thought he was the cruellest out of any of them. So where did the coldness go whenever you were around? You heard whispers and stories about this mysterious bad boy Park Seonghwa was known to be. Yet, whenever you were around your boyfriend he was like a puppy. Kind and affectionate. You wanted to see the bad side of him. The cold-blooded killer. The right hand in the famous mafia gang of Seoul.

"Hwa..." You barely let out a whisper as you settled your book down on the side table, eyeing your boyfriend that come home from a particularly hard mission. You had never seen him covered in blood before. He always made sure to never bring his work home. But this time he was left with no choice. You were scared, but not as much as you were curious about what he might have done the evening he was away.

"I'm sorry Bunny...." His voice was laced with anger, pacing slowly around the room. He didn't know what to do, he wanted to go back and finish the job he had on the rival spy who had closed in on their operation. But they needed him alive, sadly. You quickly got up, rushing over to comfort your boyfriend. Your hand rested on his cheek, blood staining your skin. You didn't mind feeling the warm blood through your fingers, only worrying about what was going through your lover's mind.

"I shouldn't have come in here covered in blood. I'm sorry if I scared you." he felt guilt riddle him, but anger was still surging through his veins and he couldn't figure out how to calm down for the life of him.

"Scare me? Hwa, you could never scare me. I'm just worried that it might have been your blood. But it seems to be you aren't injured. So I have nothing to be scared about." Your words were soft, stepping closer, You noticed you had gotten some blood on your nightgown, but you didn't mind.

"I never wanted you to see me like this." he leaned into your touch, leaning down, his forehead meets yours. You felt a tingle in your gut, thinking maybe this was the best time to confess your thoughts to him.

"But I wanted to see all of you." You spoke pulling away from him, feeling as if your heart is going to burst out of your chest at any minute. "I want to see all of you. Not just the sweet loving man who stole my heart. I want to see the dark, cruel side of you. I want to know all of you."

He swore to himself that he must have hit the jackpot with you. You are so caring to him, always making sure he is safe, even though he is the one who should be protecting you. He let out a sigh, leaning his forehead against yours. His heart ached for you, loving spilling on the floor, leaving a light trail to follow whenever you needed each other.

"I don't deserve you." A tear falls down his blood-stained cheek, and he clenches his jaw.

"Yes. You do. You deserve everything in this world." You leaned into him, pushing your nose against his before locking your lips with his. It was soft, with a hint of desperation. You deepen the kiss, tasting the whiskey on his tongue. It's almost intoxicating. He grabs you by the waist pulling you closer. He needed you. Needed to have all of you. And he needed it now.

"Do you trust me?" He groaned into your mouth, biting your bottom lip before pulling it back and then letting it go, making you moan out for him.

"I trust you with my life." That's all he needed to hear, lifting you up before walking to your bedroom, keeping your lips locked on his. He thanked he knew the way, otherwise, he was sure he would have fallen by now. Entering your room, his lips pecked the side of your mouth before your cheek and then your jaw. He throws you back onto the bed and starts unbuttoning his shirt. The blood that stained his clothing had stunk into the fabric, leaving some on his toned body. You watch with a gulp in your throat. This isn't hygienic but you find it somewhat hot. He's covered in blood, filthy and rough from the fight of cruelty and it made you feel the want from between your legs grow more. He glances over at you with a small smile, yet his face remains unreadable. You slip off your pj's, while he pulls his belt off his pants. You are left in your underwear and nothing else.

"You are always such a good girl aren't you?" He chuckled watching you open your thighs, letting have a full view of your body. He bit his lip, unbuttoning his dress pants. "Always ready for me hmm?" His words were low, a seductive grumble. He was taking things slow. Too slow for your liking.

"Show me..." You leaned over to get on all fours so you could crawl over to him. You sit on your knees on the edge of the bed, pulling him by his pants.

"Show you what my love?" He hummed, leaning slightly so his face was inches from yours. Your noses push against one another while you take a shaky breath in, giving a small kiss to his cheek then his jaw, then his neck.

"Show me how cruel you can be... Daddy." You whimpered, wrapping your arms around his bloody torso, getting blood on your own chest and tummy. He laughed this time. Not chuckled, nor hummed. A low laugh. And a sinister one of that. The new name sent him over the edge, making him feel a switch snap in his head. You feel his hand snake down until it found your neck, lifting you away from his body so he could see your face again. His fingers pushed in the right places making a shock wave of adrenaline shoot through your body. His stare is dark, while his lips are parted slightly, letting his tongue dance slightly against the opening.

"My perfect little bunny, so ready for her daddy to please her. Hurt her even. Hmm," his fingers squeeze, cutting air from your brain slightly. "I hope you're ready for me princess. Cause if you want all of me. Here it is..."

He was going to ruin you.


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