048 | Yunho | Don't

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Smut | With Lil bit of fluff

Type: Yunho x FemReader

Warnings: Mild choking, thigh grabbing, tension, sir kink, dom/sub dynamic, pet names, slapping, oral (both receiving), fingering, use of the colour system, mentions of a safe word, vague mention of subspace, crying kink, Yun calls you a slut once. Yun's a pleasure dom with hints of sadistic tendencies,

Synopsis: Teasing all day leads to punishment with your best boyfriend Yunho.

Synopsis: Teasing all day leads to punishment with your best boyfriend Yunho

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First, it was light touches. Then it was a whisper here and there. You meant good, well if good meant you wanted to be fucked so hard you see stars then praise you as an angel.

Yunho knew what you were doing, after teasing you for the month he was on tour, sending dirty texts and suggestive photos or the late-night phone calls ending in you being hot and bothered, he knew you would end up doing the same. When he got back you didn't touch him for the whole day he returned. But the following day all you did was give him small hints of your neediness.

Practice ended and let's say he regretted bringing you with him. You seduced him to bring you along and he knew what would happen if he did but your doe eyes melted his heart. You sat in his car as he started to drive home. He was hot and tense from practice and your teasing made it extra hard to focus. His hand was firmly on your thigh as he drove. It was silent, making you shiver in anticipation. Daring yourself, you move your hand onto his thigh, slowly drawing it closer to his crotch. A small grunt let out through his nose as his grip on the steering wheel and your thigh tightened.

"Don't." That was the only thing he said, making it clear he was near done with your silly game. You however weren't, so you continued, softly palming his growing hard-on.

"Y/n I said don't." His voice was like gravel, low and dark.

"Come on...." You cooed leaning over so you could reach his ear, "...I wanna make you feel good, sir."

That's it!

He took a sharp turn, putting both hands on the wheel before speeding down the back road getting to your house within a second. He got out of the car, slamming his door, heading inside without you. Guilt settled in. Did you take it too far? But he teased you? So you had the right to do it back...right? You got out of the car, taking the keys out he felt in the ignition, locking the doors before entering the house.

It was quiet. Only a few lights were turned on. Just enough to see where you were going. You got to the bedroom door, it was half-opened.

"Yunnie?..." You whispered, walking in. You didn't even see him, but suddenly you felt his hand around your throat, being pushed back against the door, closing it with your body.

"You still want to be a brat?" He growl, loosening his grip on your throat so you can answer him, but all you did was whimper, shaking your head no.

"Words!" He was stern, unbuttoning your pants while he waited for an answer. But you answered wrong.

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