024 | Hurts Like Hell Pt.1

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Mafia Au | Angst | Breakup | Big Sad Time

「Synopsis」 : In the life of crime the truth can easily be hidden under a near-perfect photoshopped lie...

Paring: Ot8!Ateez x Reader [Poly Au]

[Warnings] : Name calling, Heartbreak, Mentions of Cheating, Yelling. !!Triggers!! this is a one-way ticket to crying town.

 !!Triggers!! this is a one-way ticket to crying town

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It was like time no longer mattered. Everything in your life meant nothing. You were just a useless human that didn't deserve love. You were worth nothing. Hugging your pillow in your cold apartment as you lay in silence. Your tears stopped long ago, running out from the hours passing. your heart was shattered all over the cold wooden flood. Being smashed into a million pieces. The yelling... the screaming.... it played over and over in your head. Searching for what you did wrong. What did you do to deserve this pain? Anger took over which wasn't the best idea. But when fight or flight comes into play. Fight was your first reaction.




Their anger-filled voices echoed in your head. They came storming in with photos in a file tightly in hand. San threw them on the table in front of you. And Yeosang was the first to speak up. But in this case, yell.

'I would never cheat!! How could you think that?!'

You tried to convince them but the photos that were clearly faked but they were the truth for them. You never met up with their enemy, let alone sleep with him. You tried to plead your case but none of them listened. They just yelled. Hongjoong even threw a glass off the table. The glass shattering on the floor, making you jump. It scared you. They scared you. Eight of them looking at you with so much hate. So much anger. You were terrified. You knew none of them would hurt you, nor touch you. But the sheer idea of them all hating you, burned your core in the worst way possible. Maybe they were capable of hurting you... But through their words...




'Cheating Snake'


The names they called you hurt the most. You stopped fighting after that. Just sitting on the chair while they took turns to share their anger aloud. You had no words. No emotion. You became a shell. You loved them so much. But they looked at you as if you were a stranger. As if you were the most disgusted person in the world. All the memories that you shared were gone in a second. As if your life was just one piece of grain in a pile of sand. Insignificant.

'I'm sorry....'

Why did you say that? Why were you sorry? You didn't do anything. But yet sorry was the only word your broken body could spill out. It was a mechanism. A safe word. But it was useless. It meant nothing to them. One by one they left having nothing else to say. Until it was just you and another. Jongho...

'To think I had this whole speech.... a Whole plan... and then we get these photos put on our office table...'

He placed a piece of paper on the counter in front of you before placing a box on top of it. You looked over at it and your heart finally broke completely. You looked up at him, but before you could say anything. Before you could think of anything to keep him there, he spoke.

'I'm going to miss you....'

He left.... they all left... and you were left, alone. Heartbroken. With a velvet box with an engagement ring inside.


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