059 | Mingi | please

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Paring: Mingi x Reader

[Warnings] : Dry humping. Crying (obviously), whimpering Mingi (cause that's a warning on its own). Sub Mingi. Switch reader. Cumming inside pants, Reader is top half naked. Nipple play. 

The sensation of you humping Mingi, leaves him breathless

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The sensation of you humping Mingi, leaves him breathless. He is begging you to stop because he can feel himself on the edge of cumming in his pants. But as his begs turn to whimpers, you keep going harder, tangling your fingers with his shirt, gripping his shoulders. Your hips dig down, your thigh spreading further apart so you can be more connected to Mingi with more desperation. The both of you were on the living room couch, and the only thing that could be heard was your and Min's groans and the static of the T.V. You feel so lost in grinding yourself on him, rubbing your soaked panties all over him, letting your slit bump right on where the tip of this cock rests under his pants. His cries echo in the room, throwing his head back against the couch frame, cum soaking his jeans, his sensitive cock throbbing, practically squirting from your movement.

He's moaning and nearly sobbing, tears pricking out, running down his face. He tries to hold your hips still but alas, you continue to grind down on him harder, overstimulating him. His skin is flushed, hot and red. Sweat beading at his forehead, mixing with the tears on his cheeks. "Please...Please." He chants, chest heaving as you press down onto his now softening cock. Your movements forced every bit of cum out of his cock as you chased your own high.

"Fuck Baby." He buries his face into your bare chest, muffling his desperate cries, begging you to stop as his cock has become so sensitive he is beginning to feel like he was on fire. But it was a good type. He wouldn't admit it, but the sensation of overstimulation feels so good, yet painful. His arms wrap around your waist. Clinging to you. His lips latched on your nipples, lazily sucking and biting them softly. A prominent wet patch on his jeans from his load soaking through. His tears streaked his cheeks, but you can feel his hip rock onto you from underneath, trying to rub himself against you more because in the end, he is desperate for your touch.


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