061 | WooSanYeoHwa | Morning pt.1

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Slice Of Life | Suggestive | Fluff

「Synopsis」 : A typical morning in your house hold. Snuggles, breakfast and teasing all round.

Paring: Reader x Wooyoung x San x Yeosang x Seonghwa [Poly]

[Warnings] : Mention of food, Kissing, Teasing. Smoking, Tobacco, brief mention of other types of drugs.

Part 2 can be found on page 095

The smell of vanilla and pine surge through your nose as you can softly hear faint voices and shuffles in your room

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The smell of vanilla and pine surge through your nose as you can softly hear faint voices and shuffles in your room. You mentally groan, knowing it must be around four or five in the morning and that means all of your boys would be up and out of bed by now. Well everyone but you and San. Trying to get either of you out of bed was always a mission. So when you turn over to nuzzle in the human cuddle toy you let out a sigh of contentment at the sound of his calm heartbeat slowly putting you back to a slumbering state.

Peace doesn't last long however when Wooyoung comes rushing into the silent room, jumping head first onto the comforter making You and San groan. "Really Woo?" San pulled the redhead up but the arm, tugging into to lay in between you and Him. You both hold the noise box tight, trying your best to calm him down in hopes he will just lay with you for a little longer for some extra moments of slumber. But alas Seonghwa comes into the room to see the three of you dog pilled. He knew he shouldn't have gotten Wooyoung to be the one to wake you up.

"Come on babies. Time to wake." Seong walked over to your side of the bed, snaking his arms under your body, before pulling you off the bed into his arms. You didn't fight it, knowing it would just cause unnecessary arguments. You let Hwa take you to the bathroom, sitting you down on the counter. The cold marble made you shiver, making Seonghwa chuckle at your reaction. You both brushed your teeth. He stood in between your legs, rubbing your thigh lovingly with his free hand. Yeosang joined soon, retching for his own toothbrush while rubbing his eyes from sleep.

"Morning Sangie." You and Seong both sad through the sounds of toothpaste swishing in your mouths. Yeosang couldn't help but smile weakly at how similar you and Seonghwa were. You hopped off the counter, finishing up before kissing both of them on the cheeks. You noted your attire was still a large shirt and panties. You contemplated changing but you couldn't care at the moment, once you smelt the sweet scent of Wooyoung's cooking. You entered the kitchen to see San and Wooyoung. San was sitting at the bar table, speaking to Woo quietly while he rolled his morning cigarette. You leaned against the door frame, watching them do their own thing, oblivious to your presence.

"Something smells good." Yeosang broke the scene, walking past you softly into the kitchen to place himself right behind Wooyoung to give him a back hug while he cooked. Yeosang wasn't one for physical affection but he was more than willing to do anything if food was involved. The sound of San's lighter caught your attention along with the other two making Wooyoung groan in annoyance.

"Hey, Go outside of open a window if you're gonna do that." Wooyoung never liked the smell of tobacco and neither did Yeosang but You couldn't care less if you could smell it. Something about it gave you a weird type of nostalgia, like the smell, brought you memories of him. San lit the stick anyways without care for Woo's empty threat. You watching him take a big inhale, suddenly noted Seonghwa walking up to the dark-haired. He took him by the chin, giving San a long kiss while the smoke still sat in his lungs, pouring into Seonghwa's. The action made you tingle. Don't get yourself wrong, you would never smoke tobacco as you are afraid you will become addicted, but maybe wouldn't mind joining in on the fun with other smokables.

"Honey, Can you help me here." Yeosang's voice caught you out of the fantasy you were in the middle of having, suddenly seeing Seonghwa smirking in your direction while smoke left through his nose.

'Jesus is he trying to kill me?' You thought before making your way towards Yeosang to help set the dining table up so you can eat the delicious meal Wooyoung has so lovingly prepared.


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