143 | Seonghwa | Love, Lust Had No Bounds

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PWP | Smut | Slight Fluff | Fantasy | Pirate Au

【Synopsis】 : You were in love with the enemy, and oh, how it was it exciting.

Pairing: Siren!Seonghwa x Pirate!Reader

[Warnings] : Oral. Fingering. Dirty talk. Swearing. Tongue fucking. Messy Hwa. Seonghwa enjoys eating pussy.

The Destiny looked particularly beautiful this time of the evening

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The Destiny looked particularly beautiful this time of the evening. The sun bounced on the wooden framing, but your mind was elsewhere at this moment. Your eyes watched carefully towards the slender creature in front of you. His long tongue darting out to lick his lips as you quickly undo your belt buckle. You had to be quick before anyone noticed you were missing. They would certainly go looking for you the moment they saw you had abandoned your post, so you needed to hurry. Taking your pants off, a chuckle from the underwater creature echoed slightly through the cove. His nails graze the large rock beneath him as he hops up onto it. His lovely tail is shining in the sun, showing off its blue and green scales perfectly. He was the most elegant thing you've ever had the pleasure to lay your eyes upon.

"Come on now little pirate. Don't keep me waiting." His voice was deep and chilling making the temptation to rip your pants off with your knife grow greater and great with each passing breath. But you managed to slip them off, letting it hang off one leg while you free the other. His eyes gazed down at your exposed pussy, seeing you were already dripping. You were so perfect to him, his little plaything. If he says jump, you say how high. He had you wrapped around his fingers. But then again he strangely found himself wondering what you were doing when he wasn't around. Or worrying if you were safe without him by your side.

He sometimes found it a pity that he did not have legs or you a tail. He could never be with you permanently nor you with him at sea... it was like some twisted forbidden love story.

He tugged on your legs, helping you to him so he could lay on the rock while being face to-face with your puffy cunt. You sighed feeling his hot breath pool against your aching core, wanting him to hurry and have you. "H-Hwa p-please."

"It's okay my love, I'm here." He gathered up some of his saliva before spitting down onto your clit, making you jump. His thumb smeared his spit with your juices, making you all messy. You bucked your hips in anticipation as he spat against you but this time onto your hole. You felt the wetness spill down against your ass making you wreath in pleasure. His teeth grazed your clit making you gasp, hands flying for his salty wet hair before tugging harshly. He sucked on your little nub hard drawing his fingers to your hole, spilling two deep inside. But it wasn't enough for him, spitting some more spit on his fingers he pushed them back in your pussy, watching his juices mix with your gushing cum.

His long thick tongue slid in between his fingers, dipping inside you as well. But his tongue was significantly longer than his appendages making you feel him in your lower tummy. You moaned his name, over and over, gasping for air while feeling his sharp nails scrape again your hips surely leaving marks that threatened to draw blood. He fucks you harder with his fingers and tongue, making you reach your high in a blink of an eye. "Fuck, Fuck, fuck, S-seonghhwaa!"

He groaned against your soaked cunt, drinking up all your juices. If he could he would lay here for hours, pleasuring you, seeing what made you tick. He wanted to taste every part of you, bite and mark every inch of your body leaving his saliva all over your skin in his wake. "Such a good little pirate. Ready for another before anyone tries to find you?"

Sitting up slightly, you see Seonghwa's face covered, glistening in the evening light. You didn't think he could look even more perfect than he was but here he laid. Eager to pleasure you again, wanting nothing more than to drip his spit on you making you his messy, dirty little pirate.


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