002 | Ot8 Reaction | Confessing To their S/o

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Suggestive | Angst | Fluff | Crack

Warnings: Intoxication [Alcohol] swearing, Food [cherries], descriptions of Panic Attacks, [PA is different for everyone. This is how mine are usually, and talking/music helps me but please warning it's different for everyone] Swearing, Crying, Blood, Arguing, Mentions of Porn.

Hongjoong - Angst, Fluff

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Hongjoong - Angst, Fluff

It was frustrating, you were also an idol but you didn't work this hard. You just wanted to hang out with your best friend was that too much to ask? But no he was always in his studio or with his group. On his days off, no one could find him. It was like he was avoiding everyone, mostly you and only focused on making the next best soundtrack.

"KIM HONGJOONG!!" You burst the door open, on a mission you get him out of the studio on his day off, (since the other said where to find him).

"Oh y/n, I'm busy please...leave me be." He sounds tired, upset even. Pinching the bridge of his nose, leaning on his hands against the desk in front of him.

"No, I'm not leaving until you come out of this room with me. You've been acting weird for weeks, even your members are worried. I get you're a workaholic but this is next-level crazy!" You yell at him, angry, but more worried than anything else. You move into the room more, coming closer to find, it looks like he hasn't slept in a while.

"Joong...you look terrible." You spoke.

"Thanks, totally what I needed to hear."

"I didn't mean Th- I mean, come on let's get you something to eat, maybe a shower too." You try to bring some laughter into the room, chuckling a bit, but Hongjoong just groaned in response.

"You know you don't need to tell me what I should do. If I wanted that I'd call my mother. And you know what, I never said you could even come in here, so why don't take yourself and go annoy someone else, god why are we even friends." He threw some song sheets off the table onto the floor with a sweep of his hands. You flinch slightly never seeing him this upset before. Your heart felt like it was breaking, hearing these words, that more or less meant nothing but sleepless nonsense.

"Joong...I-I'm sorry. I'll just go." You back up slowly, just he turned on his swivel chair, grabbing your wrist, pulling you onto him.

"I'm the one who's sorry...it's just, I didn't know what to do, How to be around you, cause I'm so in love with you but you don't love me..." His words sounded broken, tears slipping from him as he holds you on his lap.

"Hongjoong. You're an idiot." You laugh out. Making him look up at you. His eyes were red and puffy, sniffling a little. You grab each side of his face smiling.

"I've loved you since we met, I just didn't want to push it, cause I thoughts you weren't going to see me like that." His heart felt like it stopped. Did his friend, his best friend, confess to his confession?

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