031 | Fuck Away The Pain

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Suggestive | Angst

【Synopsis】 : Seonghwa is sick and tired of you coming to him in tears every time your boyfriend hurts you. His anger has gotten to him so worked up that he wants, No, he needs to prove that all you need is him and him alone.

Paring: Bestfriends!Seonghwa x Reader

[Warnings] : Rough loving desperate sex. Reader slips into a kind of subspace. Seonghwa is very angry about your ex. Seonghwa is very in love with the reader. Soft fluffiness. Lots of tears but its happy I swear. Pet names, Swearing, fingering, Hwa is a teasing shithead. Reader has stretch marks cause they are beautiful!! Thick thighs (cause that's a delicious warning) Fingering, Oral (reader receiving) lots of sappy in your feels. Big Dick energy, (sorry not sorry), confessions, love making. Let me know if I missed anything. Oh and swearing.

You didn't understand what was wrong with you

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You didn't understand what was wrong with you... Were you not good enough? Did you fail to provide? Why was the supposed love of your life grinding on an unknown woman with his tongue down her throat and his hand up her skirt in the corner of the loud screaming club. But this time, the music was not audible... The sounds of people were only formed to that of a whisper.

Did he plan for you to see this disgusting display? Did he want to make sure you felt the most unbearable pain imaginable? Tears threaten to pour down your dry cheeks. Your once full heart, shattering into pieces that would never be able to be glued back together. Turning too quickly making your exit from the club, grabbing your phone, you only know one person to call.

"Hey, Hwa..."


"So I decided to leave, I couldn't even gain one piece of confidence to go up to him." You sob into Seonghwa's arms, holding his sides as if you were about to fall down the dark rabbit hole that is forming beneath your feet.

"Shh it's okay, let it out." He spoke softly with a loving tone, squeezing you tightly. But beneath that tone were waves of anger, wanting nothing more but to kill the man who broke your heart.

"I'm so tired, Hwa. I can't take this, He would never touch me like that, Never love me like that. He said he was not ready. But yet he fucks a whore out in an open bar... What's wrong with me." He pulls you from his arms taking your face in both hands to look at you dead in the eyes.

"Hey, Hey, do not say that. There is nothing wrong with you. You are the most stunning, kind, and beautiful woman I know. You are always putting yourself second and making sure everyone is satisfied before you are. But you deserve to be satisfied too." He smiles weakly before moving inches away from your face. your lips daring to touch each other.

"You deserve the world." He whispers. The touch of his warm breath creeps its way on your lip. Like an intoxicating mist, you draw yourself closer, kissing him, which he gladly returns.

"Show me...." He spoke between sloppy kisses, bringing his metal hand down to your waist while the other lays on your cheek. "...Where he wouldn't touch you," He lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Kissing your jaw to your neck.

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