018 | Ot8 | Whose First Pt.1

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Smut | Mafia au | Pure Filth

「Synopsis」 : You were supposed to be good and not make a noise, now they all want your attention.

Paring: 0t8!Ateez x Female Reader (Poly Au)

[Warnings] : Pet names, grinding, dirty talk, hair pulling, mxm, daddy kink, sir kink, master kink, heavy mentions and indications of subspace, spanking, fingering, choking, crying, mentions of mafia business. A whole lotta stuff ahha

 A whole lotta stuff ahha

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A fairy tale. A dark, twisted and exciting fairy tale. That is the only way to describe your life. You never meant for it to happen but when charming eyes lingered on you and sweet voices laced with sin whispered in your ear, how could you not fall deeply in love? You stand on a pedestal, royal among men and your eight kings worship the ground you walk on. They were cruel and unholy but whenever you step into the room they become obsessed with tending to you with love and devotion.

Seonghwa had you tight in his hold as you sit on his lap in the meeting room. His fingers tucked under the hem of your nightshirt, rubbing circles into your soft skin. Your lips latched on you're his skin, kissing, licking and sucking on his neck. You were playing a dangerous game but you didn't care, they woke you on purpose since they hadn't seen you all day. And since you were sleeping, San had to drag you out of bed so you made your way to napping on Seonghwa while the boys were finishing a meeting. But instead of sleep, all your brain could think about was your boys. Your brain filling to the brim with nothing but them, and your desire you each one of them.

"Bunny if you keep sucking so hard, I'll start calling you my little vampire." Seonghwa groans in your ear, shifting in his seat, snaking his hands on your ass cheeks before squeezing hard. You could feel his erection grow under you, making you grind harder on him. Hongjoong continues to talk over plans of another transaction that you have no care for, but your not-so-quiet whimper caused all the men in the room to turn over to the display of you grinding desperately on Hwa. Yeosang clicked his tongue before snapping his fingers, indicating for all the men other than your boys you leave the room. They all pile out quickly afraid that if they don't follow the instructions they would be in far more trouble than they need.

The door closes with a heavy clank echoing in the large room. Hongjoong chuckles, stepping towards you and Seonghwa, watching you intensely. His hand runs up your hunched back, racking up to your loose hair before tugging your off Seonghwa so you sit up straight. You look up at Joong with glossy eyes, in a daze. His sinister smile grew on his face as his eyes blow up at the sight of you. Seonghwa is panting, clearly horny from your actions. Bright red marks paint his neck, marks that make you giggle. The rest of the boys watched carefully, wondering how this might unfold.

"Hey, Angel..." Hongjoong cooed, patting your head, making you nuzzle into his hand. "You seem to have become a bit of a distraction tonight." He tilts his head, his tongue poking against his cheeks. Your brain is in a fuzz, whimpering slightly feeling a little guilt shiver over you.

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