187 | SanYeoGi | No Bark, All Bite

711 41 8

Smut | Non!idol au

Day Four - Bite and Bondage

【Synopsis】 : It was just an innocent game of truth or dare. Nothing bad was going to happen... Right?

Pairing: Friends!Ateez x Fem!Reader

[Warnings] : Pet names. Drinking. Everyone is tipsy and stupid, okay! Lots of mouths are involved... swearing. Biting. Marking. Hickies. this is a mess. I'm sorry.

It was a typical night

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It was a typical night. Well, if you called a typical night being filled with drinks, board games, and shouting. Then, typical it was. Everything was going swiftly as you were currently watching your two friends, Wooyoung and Yeosang, try to see who could take the most shots the quickest. Surprisingly, Yeosang won, downing more shots than Wooyoung before he tapped out.

"Man, I don't even know where half of that shit went." Wooyoung groaned, trying to touch Sangies tummy, but the older male just flicked his friend's hands away with a grumble.

"Trust me I'll feel it later." Yeosang burped, making everyone give out hardy cackles. The game continued with loud cheering as each member picked up a card from the deck and played whatever it asked. From San snogging Hongjoong, to Mingi eating strange combinations of foods. The laughter was endless... that was until it got to your turn.

"7 minutes in hell." You read the card with a raised brow. "Hell? I thought it was always heaven, no?" Your scan around the room suggested the boys knew more than you and it caused a flutter in your stomach.

"You don't know what 7 minutes in hell is?" Yunho smirked while taking a sip of his beer.

"This is gonna be fun." Wooyoung snickered, causing Seonghwa to roll his eyes at him. But yet they all had the same expression, one with a lingering hunger. They were no longer looking at you like their childhood friend, no, they were looking at you like you were just a piece of meat.

"Can someone explain..." You felt singled out, making a shot of anxiety spike through your gut. Jongho leaned over from where he sat, placing his hand gently on your exposed leg, giving you a warm smile.

"Hey it's okay..." Like he could sense your uneasiness, his comfort brought a small smile to your face. He was always so caring towards you, but then again, they all were. "The game is, you are blindfolded and you have to guess who is touching you." You could feel your face beginning to burn up, "Since it's hell, the back of the card should tell you what part the other players will use." Okay, now you were definitely redder than the wine you are drinking.

"B-body part..." You looked back down at the card and for a moment you felt your heart stop... "Mouth."

You could have sworn every single male in the room groaned at this discovery but then again It might have just been the high-pitched ringing in your ear from the sudden dizziness in your head. Jongho's hand moved from your leg to your shoulder, squeezing the flesh softly to get your attention. Your neck snapped quickly, looking at him with wide glossed eyes. "You don't have to do the dare if you don't want to, honey. You can just take a shot instead."

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