147 | Jongho | Out Of This World

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Sci-fi | Galactic Heroes Au | Smut | Fluff


【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : You were gifted an alien plant from one of your friends who lived off the planet since you loved greenery. Little did anyone know the pollen had some weird side effects when inhaled.

ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Enchanted!Jongho x Assassin!Reader

[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Swearing. Crying. Making out. This is slightly dub-con. Neck kisses. Hickies. Possessiveness. Slight toxic thoughts. Breast play. Begging. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Lots of emotion. 

"Hey so has anyone seen Peach? we're about to leave

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"Hey so has anyone seen Peach? we're about to leave." Seonghwa was walking around like a worried mother, trying to find you before you all were supposed to leave for this event thingy they had agreed to attend. You weren't in the mood for parties or galas at any time of day or night. So you disappearing before one wasn't a surprise.

"I'll go look for her, shes probably in her room trying to find a place for that new plant Wooyoung gave her from off planet." Jongho rolled his eyes knowing his best friend all too well, heading straight for your room which was situated on the same level as his in the compound. A couple of days ago Wooyoung had returned from his trip back from to home planet and had gifted everyone with something from there. So of course you being a planet lover. He brought you one of the exotic flowers. Yeosang pestered on how 'we don't know what that plant could do. Is it even safe' but Wooyoung reassured everybody that it was fine. And that he had no clue what the plant was anyway. So with that Jongho said he'd catch up with them and take his bike later with you rather than making them wait.

While this ordeal was unravelling you were frantically holding the said flower in a beautiful pot that Wooyoung had gifted you along with it. You had so many plants as it is that you've realized there was no room for the newest addition. A knock at your door startled you almost to the point of dropping the poor guy all over the floor. But luckily your reflexes kicked in quicker than usual. "Come in!"

You knew it was most likely someone like Seonghwa or Hongjoong coming to parade you about 'getting ready for the gala' but you seriously didn't want to go. It wasn't like you hated your friends or the party per se. You just hated people in general. And why you may ask? Because people are loud, rude, narcissistic and most importantly stuck up. Half the time people love to walk all over you because of your job. Given you and the others were galactic rangers, people only looked at you in two different views. Scum that brought danger to earth. Or these kind of saviours, superheroes. Something you didn't consider yourself as. So either way, you didn't want the interaction. So staying home it is.

"Give me one good excuse why you are still in your pyjamas running around like an idiot holding an alien plant and maybe, just maybe I'll consider you not going to this lame party a good enough reason." Jongho's voice brought you to a halt, your head snapping back down towards the little Kitchen/Entrance. Your nose was scrunched up, making Jongho know you were trying to think of a lie. You were never good at them always having a tell clear as the day. He just scoffed, slipping his shoes off so he could walk into your room. "So, what's your excuse, Honey?"

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