074 | Yeosang | Tell Me

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Suggestive | Smut

Paring: Yeosang x Reader

[Warnings] : Unprotected Sex, Yeosangs deep voice. Yeo got big dick energy, pet names. The reader cries but in a good way. Slight Dirty Talk. Reader has female anatomy 

Ever since you heard how deep your boyfriend's voice can go

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Ever since you heard how deep your boyfriend's voice can go. It became an addiction to hear it. When he spoke all day and his voice became gravelled, you were all over it. When he woke up in the mornings and you can hear the grog of sleep still tangled in his vocals, sign you up. You needed it like oxygen, battling to breathe without it.

You had planned on keeping your kink a secret, but of course, Yeosang wasn't stupid. He could see by the way you squirmed in your seat while listening to him talk about his long day. Or how your thigh squeezed together when he spoke soft affirmations in the early morning to you. Oh no, Yeosang was far from oblivious, and he knew exactly how to make you tell him about your dirty secret.

"Come on, Darling." His smirk painted his face beautifully as his thrusts were painfully slow. Every time he got you close to your high, he would stop sitting up slightly to watch you squirm with tears forming. "Just tell me. Tell me how madly horny you get when I speak. Tell me and you can cum." His voice was so deep it made your head spin. You griped the bed sheet while your left leg hung over his shoulder and the other around his waist. He was hitting all the right angles, and you needed more.

"P-please Yeo.." You whimpered quietly, almost ashamed if you were to admit it louder.

"Please, what, Darling? Tell me the truth." He growled in your ear, nibbling your lobe, giving you an experimental thrust that made you tip perfectly over the edge. Who cares about pride anyways?

"Your voice turns me on so much, Yeosang Please please let me cum!!!!" You would have felt embarrassed of your words if it wasn't for the pain forming from being edged for who knows how long now. And by the snap of Yeosang's hips, he was pleased with your answer. Fucking you hard and deep into the mattress.

He kissed the side of your face, kissing the tears away before whispering..."That's my Darling."


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