100 | Seonghwa | Just The Way You Are

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Angst | Fluff | Kinda Suggestive

「Synopsis」 : Seonghwa comes home to the love of his life and wants to do nothing else but love her. But how come she keeps pushing him away?

Paring: Seonghwa x PlusSize!Reader

[Warnings] : Insecurities. Self-hatred. Triggering language about body size and weight. Pet names. Thoughts of cheating. Seonghwa is a lovesick puppy. Hints of past trauma. Hints of sex and being afraid of it. Crying. Lots of emotions. Passionate kissing. Hand holding. Neck kisses. Tummy kisses. Mention of stretch marks.

Seonghwa is the definition of a people pleaser. He wants, no, needs to please others. Especially his darling girlfriend. He lived for your smile. Your giggles. The way your squishy cheeks form into a pout whenever you told him he did not need to pay for something you wanted or needed. You had him on his hands and knees for you, willing to bend by your word. You are a goddess in his mind...

So why are you sitting here on the end of the couch with only a little lamp lighting the room while you wallow in overthinking and insecure thoughts? Simple, you hate yourself. You stood on a scale that you secretly bought without Hwa's knowledge. The number you read on its face killed you. You felt so ugly. Hideous. You were trying to lose weight, but no matter what you did, you always stayed the same weight. But since Christmas came to a close, you noticed you had gained some, and it shattered your soul.

How could someone like Park Seonghwa love you? He was perfect in every way. He should deserve a woman who meets his standards. Not someone like you.

"Princess? Are you home?" His horse voice made a tingle of jealousy surge through you. You knew Seonghwa wasn't someone to cheat on you, but the thought of his voice being lost from screaming for someone else shattered your heart. Your brain couldn't help but play tricks on you.

"Darling?" He called entering the lounge room to see you cuddled on the couch in the darkness. He dropped his bags, sliding his suit jacket off before walking over to your form. He swears there were hearts in his eyes whenever they lay gaze on you. You are so perfect to him, he couldn't even begin to express it in words. He craved you like air as if he'd surely die without you. You are his everything.

"What is my precious baby doing in the dark?" His words hurt you for some reason. Like your brain couldn't even imagine he actually meant them. But he did, every single one. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." You mumble, not wanting to talk to him. He took a seat next to you, making sure his thigh would lean against yours. But you pushed yourself away, feeling disgusted by physical touch. Seonghwa sat there for a moment, thinking about what he could do that would make you feel better.

There was one bridge you still had yet to cross and he knew it scared you, not because of the act itself, but because you were afraid that somehow Seonghwa would think less of you after it was done, or he would lose the love for you... The logical part of your brain knew it was an overthinking thought. But the other part of your brain kept the fear alive, digging its claws into your being.

"I just..." You whisper as finally wraps an arm around your waist so he can effortlessly pull you next to his lap trying to show you love, not just mentally but physically, "I just love you is all."

"Well, I love you too," your hands found his shoulders as you leaned in and pressed your forehead against him, soaking up the moment. A flurry of butterflies erupts in your stomach, a mixture of fear, anxiety and devotion. Before you knew it, you were crying, tears streaming down your face.

"I-I don't want you to stop loving me." You couldn't find the reason why your words were slipping off your tongue like an ocean wave. Your mind was running and Seonghwa could feel your emotion feeling guilt for the tears you shed. His hand came up and smoothed your cheek lovingly.

"Not love you anymore?" he asks with a shocked expression on his face as you bit your trembling lip, "Why on earth do you think that would happen? I love you. More than anything. Nothing is going to change that."

"I just..." You close your eyes and let out a low sigh, "I'm not always comfortable with myself or my body. I-I'm working on it, but it's not easy. I just...what if I'm not what you want anymore..."

"You are the only thing I want," he promises firmly, "I love you. That's that. Do you think I'm always comfortable with myself Darling? I have insecurities. Everyone has them."

"No, I... you are so perfect. And I'm just.." You admit as you delicately touched his shoulder looking at him with wide eyes.

"You are beautiful," He insists as you felt a warmth well up in your tummy, "I will remind you every day of that. I know it's not easy...but you are mine and I am yours. I would walk hell and back to make sure you have anything you wish for. Heck, I would die for you. If you wished I would do anything, no matter what it is. You are so kind, and loving. My life was so dark until you showed up. You are the light in my life."

"Hwa..." you slowly sat back on the couch as you hesitantly kissed him.

He took you in his arms and flipped you around so you were under him, shuffling pillows around your bodies. You lay on your back as you smile slightly into the kiss feeling some of your fears begin to wash away.

"You are so beautiful," He whispers as he kisses along your jaw, sending butterfly pecks along your flesh. He worked his way down your neck. A soft hum escaped your lips as you felt him smile against your skin making you shiver, the feeling being ticklish. One of his hands found yours, lacing your fingers together as he trailed his lips all over your skin. It was only when he lifted your shirt slightly so he could reach your tummy that you experienced a moment of hesitation that he picked up on.

"It's okay, bunny," He promises quietly as he gives your hand a squeeze, "You are so lovely, so beautiful and delicate. I love you. Everything about you. Please don't ever feel like you have to hide from me. I want you and only you."

"Seonghwa..." His name from your lips was the sweetest thing he had ever heard as you finally relaxed under him, "I love you too."

He leans back up and kisses your lips before continuing on and pressing soft kisses to your tummy. You'd never felt so comfortable or loved with anyone before. You knew it wouldn't take away all your insecurities, but it was a start and you knew at that moment, Seonghwa would always love you and make you feel like that.

"Let me show you how much I love you," he placed a soft kiss just above your navel as you touched his cheek, "because I love you so much. Just the way you are." His kisses drove you, leaving pecks on your soft tummy. Your delicate stretch marks that paint your skin like fine art. He kisses your neck and your pump jaw, your shoulders and your forearms. He littered each knuckle with soft affirmation and made sure to kiss every part of skin he could reach.


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