The caring Blight. [9 part 3]

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When school finally ended and Amity was dropped off at her home, she quickly rushed up the stairs and to the door. Her butler opened the door for her, Amity thanking him quickly before rushing to her room. She forcefully pushed the door open, dropping her bag right beside it.

She went over to Luz, wondering why the heck she was so worried for the witch. Her mom looked at her daughter, releasing some of the extra water back in the bowl before putting the towel back on Luz's head. "Odd one she is, kept calling for you." She said, getting up from her seat.

Amity took the spot, her mom patting her head. "She'll be fine, just needs some rest. Keep an eye on her though, she has a gnarly fever."


Her mom left, closing the door behind herself. Amity sighed, her sigh turning in to a groan. 'Why am I worrying over this witch? She draws me in her book for crying out loud-'

Her thoughts were interrupted by heavy pants, the cheerleader getting up from her seat. Luz took off the towel, sitting up slowly. "Headache.. And cold..Very cold.."

"Lay back down, you'll get even worse."

Luz didn't want to do that, she wanted to go get more magic. "Y-You guys have fairy rings here right..?"


The witch sighed shakily, her ears and body relaxing slowly. The ring of mushrooms were common in most parts, but on the Boiling Isles, these are fairy homes. Ones that are abandoned are free for witches to use to get some extra magic.

Luz did what Eda always taught her, just remembering the rules and the very simple instructions. She crossed her legs, resting her hands on her knees. Amity stepped out of the ring, holding on to her arm nervously. The mushrooms perked up, then lost their color.

They shriveled up, the grass around them loosing their color as well. It all went by so fast, they just went out like a light and died. Luz cautiously got up, going over to Amity. "Might pass out again.."

"Please don't."

"My body says otherwise Blight.." Luz huffed, staggering towards her a bit.

Amity took her hand, guiding her back inside and up to her room. She closed and locked the door behind herself, going over to Luz. "Do you have a fever? Headache?"

Luz nodded slowly. Amity demanded she lay down, telling the witch she'd be right back and when she arrives, she better be in bed. Luz nodded, agreeing to whatever she was saying. Amity left the room, Luz sighing and laying down.

She got under the covers, snuggling up to Amity's pillow. She let out a nervous exhale, her body shaking. After a few minutes of just hearing herself whine about being cold and her headache, Amity came back with a cup of tea and a pill.

The cheerleader placed the plate of the few things down, feeling Luz's forehead. The witch let out a whine, pulling back. "To hot.."

Amity rolled her eyes, moving the seat over to keep her current place. "Sit up Noceda..You need to take the pill.."

Luz sat up slowly, clenching on to her side with her right arm. "What's a pill..?"

"Well..They're these little tablets that have something to make you feel better inside.." Amity said, handing her the small light blue pill.

Luz took it with her left hand, really curious about it. "What do I do with it..?"

"Well you can bite these, let them dissolve in your mouth, or swallow it. Whichever you prefer, as long as you put it in your mouth. I'll have to get you medicine later though, this is just for your headache."

Luz put the small tablet in her mouth, picking up the tea and drinking some of it to wash down the pill. She liked the tea, it was sweet, and made her throat feel warm. She drank a bit more before putting it back down. "Thanks..Amity.."

The human nodded, Luz sighing shakily before laying back down. "Er- Blight..?"


"Those few minutes you left me alone to talk to your driver..One of your male friends came by.."

"What did he do?" Amity asked, the human asking it in an almost demanding tone.

"Ugh..I just layed down..Don't make me sit up again.."

Amity glared at her, Luz sighing and hesitantly sitting up. She took off her shirt, a semi-deep scar on her side. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Adrenaline..Couldn't feel it till we came back inside.." Luz muttered, tearing up. "S-Sketchbook..They ripped it.."

Amity got up, going back to her door where Luz's bag was hung up. She unzipped her bag, taking out the split book. She took one of the halves, flipping through the pages. Most of Luz's really good designs were drawn on, given weird faces, and warnings if she ever drew Amity again.

The human went back to the witch, gently placing both halves in front of her. Luz's ears drooped down, tears streaming down her face. She had to call Eda. She summoned her scroll with the magic she could use, calling her mom. Eda answered right away, Luz wiping her face. "It ripped.."

To be continued.

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