The hugs. [8 part 4.75]

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"Just a few more minutes..Please.." Luz begged quietly.

Amity grumbled, pulling her back in the hug. Luz nuzzled in to her chest, the humans face heating up. "I still have to model..And Amelia-"

"Looks great in the suit..~"

The cheerleader perked up, looking down at her. Luz was beet red, her ears drooping down. "D-Don't tell her I said that-"

Amity scoffed. "We gossip often, she's going to get it out of me sooner or later."

Luz nervously grumbled, Amity patting her back. "At least try to keep it secret..I'm not ready for a human relationship.."

"Eh..It's not good gossip anyways.."

"Thank you.."


Okay, it's pretty obvious Luz likes Amelia. Skara, Alador, Amity, Prince, the butler know, it's so obvious! Amelia is oblivious as Adrien Agreste himself. "It's made really well Noceda."


Amity rolled her eyes, giving Skara The Look. The other girl nodded, rolling her eyes as well. Prince snarled quietly, going over to Amity as the two girls talked. "It's boring huh?"

He whimpered, nodding slowly. "Do you think she'd hug her differently?"

Prince looked over at Luz, going over to her and barking at her. "Do you want a hug buddy?"

He whimpered, letting out a yelp. Luz held her arms out, Prince jumping in her lap and nuzzling in to her neck. He licked her cheek before jumping out of her grasp. "Can I have one?" Skara asked.

Luz shrugged, getting up from her seat and going over to her. Skara held her arms out, pulling Luz in a hug. "Oh wow you're so warm."

The witch pulled back, patting her head. "Let me guess, you want one too Amity?" Luz questioned, going over to her.

"Eh. Not really-"

Luz hugged her tightly, Amity hesitantly hugging her back. She nuzzled in to her shoulder, Luz letting out a short purr. "May I get one too?"

The witch pulled back, going over to Amelia and hugging her tightly. She nuzzled in to her chest, Amelia rubbing her back in circular motions. The witch purred quietly, her ears drooping down. "Isn't that how she hugged you a few minutes ago-"

"That's how she hugged me a few minutes ago." Amity muttered.

Prince snarled quietly, going in between Amelia and Luz and sperating them. "Awh, are you jealous Prince? Do you want another hug?~"

He whimpered, Luz extending her arms out to him. He pounced, resting his head on her shoulder. The witch turned, going to sit back on her chair. The dog glared at Amelia, sticking his tounge out at her angrily. Luz sat back down, patting his back.

Prince licked her cheek, his tail wagging slowly. Amelia came over, about to take him from her. He barked, snarling at the girl. Amity walked over, taking him from the witch and putting him down. "Huh. He doesn't seem to like me." Amelia muttered.

He growled at her, pacing around Luz as his eyes narrowed at her. Amelia took a step towards Luz, Prince barking at her. Amity took a step towards Luz, Prince moving aside to let her. Amelia tried again, Prince barking and getting ready to bite.

Luz booped his side, Prince letting out a questioning whine. "That's rude. Don't do that."

He whimpered, going to her and resting his head in her lap. "You guys tell me how this went, I have to get going if I want to get something finished." Luz said.

Prince pulled back, Luz getting up and gathering her things. "Bye. Won't miss you." Amity said.

Luz pat her thigh, Prince standing beside her and awaiting further movements. "You kidnap me and say that? Alright. See you guys." Luz waved.

The butler opened the door for her, following her out and closing the door behind himself. "Is she single?" Amelia asked.

Everyone looked over at her, the green haired girl nervously swallowing the lump in her throat. "I'm not in to her, I'm just asking-"

Amity scoffed, rolling her eyes and going back to change out. "You're all idiots." She muttered, opening the dressing room door. "And I hate you all." She huffed, slamming the door behind her.

"Yeah. We know." They mumbled.

To be continued.

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