Again? [32 part 3]

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"Kris! Hey! Uhm- How did you know I lived here..?" Luz fumbled, opening the door more. "Is something wrong?"

"Quince- He- I don't know. I was at work and he's gone! I thought he'd come back but he hasn't! Then I checked your folder thing and it still had your address on it-"

Nero came over, climbing up Luz's leg, going up to her shoulder, spotting Kris. "Oh no-"


"Kris- Buddy- Please leave."

"Thanks for taking care of him- Again-" Kris fumbled, taking Nero from her.

He yowled, hissing at Kris, shaking his head violently. Kris curiously brought Nero close to Luz, the kitten calming down, reaching for Luz, Kris pulled him back, Nero hissing and throwing a fit. "What-"


"Quince it's okay, we're going home." Kris spoke, stepping back.

Nero hissed, shaking his head, his claws digging in to Kris' arm. Rose got up on Luz's shoulder, partially at least, her front paws were on Luz's shoulder and the rest of her was just doing a semi-piggyback ride on the witch. "Back off white boy!" Rose hissed.

"Wow Rose that was pretty mean-" Nero mewed.

"Kris, maybe we can settle this another way?" Luz suggested.

"You just gave him back to me and now you're saying I should give him back?"

"It's best to let him decide! He-" 'SMACK'

Luz tightened her grip on the wrist that wasn't hers, a low growl escaping her throat. "His choice. Not mine. Legally, Nero's owned by me, so if you tried to steal him from us, I'd hurt you. It's rude to raise your hand at any woman, let the kitten go, or you loose your right hand."

Kris pulled back, Nero hopping on to Luz's shoulder, Kris pulling the folder from under his arm, offering it to Luz. The witch took it, stepping away from the door, and slamming it shut, locking it right after. "Now then, what does everyone want for lunch?"


"Okay, Ms.Noceda is sobering up and will go to work in three (3) hours." Luz spoke, going down the stairs, spotting the new person. "What's she doing here?"

Eda shrugged, "She came over, didn't knock."

"Actually I did, Ms.Noceda called me this morning sounding pretty panicked but I had to be at school for cheer today." The blonde explained. "Then I had a shoot after school, came here when I finished up. Is she okay?"

Luz nodded, walking over to the human, "You staying Amity?" The witchling asked.

The Blight shrugged, "Ay is coming over again, he wants to get drunk and party again. Dad says it's best to stay home with the guests to make them feel welcomed."

"You've known him for quite some time now right? Shouldn't he know he's welcomed?"

"That's what I told my dad! He never listens. By the way, what's your mom doing here?"

Eda looked back at her, casting a spell circle, a box of juices coming out of it. "Well, at first it was to drop off-"

"Apple blood!" Luz exclaimed, grabbing the box. "Mine!"

"Yeah that, then I noticed it was quiet. So I came to check out the place, found Camilla totally out of it in her room. Then she completely ignores me and goes to Luz's, I tried to stop her but man does she pack a punch." Eda shuddered. "But yeah here I am, Luz I gotta get going. The portal is going to take longer then a few months if I don't leave now."

The witch stood up, going over to her kid, patting her head, "I'll try to bring King next time if the emperor allows it."

Luz nodded, letting go of the box, and hugging her mom. "I'll be home soon. Don't miss me too much."

Eda ruffled her hair, kissing her head, gently pushing her back. "Lily, you know I'm not the type to say this, but she better come back in one piece."

"Wow I never expected you to say that to me, the most responsible being on this planet."

"Yeah well don't get used to it, tell Cam I hope she feels better yeah?" Eda spoke, looking back at Luz.

"Oh, because she's your gi-" Amity blurted out.

Eda shushed her, covering Luz's ears, the witchling very confused, "Camilla is not my girlfriend, I hardly even know her!"

Amity got up, grabbing her small bag, putting it over her shoulder, going over to the witch. "You seem comfortable enough to break in to her home and search the house."

Luz pulled back, shaking her head, Eda covering her ears again, "What about you? Amelia seems alot better for Luz and the pets think you're the better choice! You have no manners for a rich girl!"

"Ask them why Luz doesn't hang out with Amelia anymore. Ask Lilith!"

Eda looked over at her sister, the witch flinching when the tables turned on her. "Edalyn, the portal. If you don't go now, Luz won't be back when you want her to be."

The other witch clicked her tounge, kissing Luz's head again, pulling back and going outside, a crash ensuing. "I'll fix that when I come back!"

Luz facepalmed, followed by Lilith, both witches sighing. "There goes the wall..Again.." Luz sighed. "Lilith?"

"I'll fix it.." The older witch muttered, walking outside. "Edalyn never learns.."

"Are you going now or can you stay for lunch?" Luz asked, looking over at Amity.

The human looked at the clock on the microwave, shaking her head, "I have to get going if I want to get home on time."

Luz nodded, the Blight walking towards the front door, the witch having a small frown. "Didn't even pat my head.." Luz said quietly under her breath, looking down at the ground.

She shook it off, looking back up and walking towards the door, needing to lock it after Amity left. The Blight ruffled Luz's hair, going down and scratching her chin. "Don't think I'd forget, tell Ms.Noceda I hope she does well at her new job."

Luz nodded slowly, the human finally finding her sweet spot, only for her to pull back when the witch relaxed. "Don't get too used to that Noceda," Amity spoke, stepping outside. "Test tomorrow, study recent chapter. Oh, Willow, she wants to talk about Gator. Don't forget."

The witch nodded, "Since she knows, she wants to know what he thinks of her right?"



"Doofus, just another word for exactly."

Luz hummed quietly, making sure she'd remember that, "Tommorow, after school."


"Please- Tell Emira to just give us money- I don't want to waste so much ingredients again on just her-"

Amity nodded, ruffling the witches hair again, "That it?"

"Four (4), Wednesday."

"What about it?"

"You are going to come over."


"Because I said so."

"Luz, that's not a good response."

"You haven't been petting me as much and I want you to. Come over at four (4), and I'll make you Calzones."

"Don't need to tell me twice. I'll see you tomorrow Luz."

The witch nodded, the Blight going down the path, Luz closing and locking the door. She looked back, Prince sitting down, his tail wagging swiftly. "Still don't think you've fallen for her?"

"Oh be quiet.."

To be continued.

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