Dog squad. [18 part 3]

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It only took five (5) minutes for the front door to open, a paper quickly placed on the table by the door, and a dog to slip in. "Bye Willow!" The dog barked excitedly.

*Note, it's just a thank you paper

The human pat his head, locking and closing the door. He licked his lips, looking back, spotting Mattias; "Oh no Prince what did they do to you!?" He barked sadly, rushing over to him. "You look so rich and ugly!"

"I beg your pardon?!" Mattias barked. "I look very hot and the ladies love to look at me! Have you looked in a mirror!? You look like- Actually your coat is very nice who bathes you?"

The dog let out a questioning whine, backing up, Prince finally coming down the stairs. "Gator!" He yipped, doing a little jump, his tail wagging furiously. "Quiet quiet." He barked quietly, backing up and shaking his head.

"Prince! Who is this ugly mean dog!?"

"Quiet! My owner is sleeping!" He barked aggressively yet quietly. "This is- I forgot your name-" He whined.

"The Mattias Wolkerson the Second." He huffed, wiping his muzzle. "You're both incompetent, now I'm starting to believe Nero is the only smart one here."

"Do you want to play tug of war?" Prince barked flatly, looking at Gator.

"Ooh yes yes! Let's go outside!"

"What- Did you two even here what I barked-?"

"Cool! I'll go get my toy!" Prince barked excitedly, going back to his room.

He came out a few seconds later, going to the back door, pulling the handle down, gently pushing it open. Gator rushed out before he did, Prince following after him, dropping the toy in front of him "On tree, we go."

"Actually it's three-" Mattias barked, walking out of the home.

"Yes yes! I love this game!" Gator barked, doing downward dog, his tail wagging furiously.

"Snacks..Fire hydrant..TREE!"

Both quickly grabbed one side, tugging forcefully at the toy; "I'm- Gwo- Gwoing twooo bweat- CHEW!" Gator barked, tugging roughly.

Mattias sat in the grass, knowing very well it'll color his fur but oh well. Prince moved his front right paw back, digging a small hole for his paw, getting it slightly stuck, doing the same with his back left paw. He tugged at the toy, Gator letting out a small whine, being pulled forward, his muzzle being stuck in a hole. "I win! Mattias your turn!" Prince barked, digging a hole by Gator's muzzle.

The dog pulled his head back, licking the dirt off his face. "Ooh it tastes sweet."

"Come on Mattias! Come play with me now!" Prince barked excitedly.

Mattias got up, turning around, going to the door. He got on his hind legs, closing the door, leaving a small gap so they could still go in. "So, how do we play?"


Mattias growled, trying to pull the toy to his side, Prince not giving up. Gator howled, jumping around the duo, getting a full view of the match. Mattias did the thing Prince did, digging a small hole for his paws, tugging roughly. He was dragged a bit closer to Prince's side, Mattias tugging one last time before they both stopped.

A loud crash ensued upstairs, both letting the toy go, rushing back inside, Prince pushing past Mattias and Gator, heading to Camilla's room. Nero eventually followed as well, opening the door for Prince since it was a round knob, the kitten getting on top and walking on it, the knob slowly turning.

Prince pushed it open, going over to Camilla; "Owner? Mom? You okay?"

She was sitting up on the bed, feeling her aching head, gently petting Prince. "Sorry boy, I don't feel so well right now..I'll be okay."

He let out a small whine, licking her palm; "Oh? Who's that?"

Mattias walked over, lifting his head up, Camilla feeling for his collar, finding it and reading it. "Ah. You must've really liked Luz if you came home from a rich family.."

He nodded, licking her palm, sniffing her out; "She smells funny, alot like blood." Mattias barked.

"Oh yeah, it's normal for humans who haven't had two of their own children. It prepares her for that stuff, she calls it a period. Nearly all women have them, some are really lucky and don't get them for odd reasons, others are unlucky and get heavy flows as she says it." Prince barked, nuzzling in between Camilla's arm.

Nero hopped in her lap, mewing, Camilla scratching his ear; "Is Luz at school..?"

The kitten nodded once, licking his paw, wiping his muzzle. The grandfather clock chimed, Nero getting out of her lap, heading downstairs, mewing at Mattias, the dog following him down. Camilla got up, staggering forward a bit, Gator getting in front of her, nudging her back to the bed.

The crash earlier was caused by the water glass Camilla knocked over earlier, glass shattered on the side of her little dresser, some water on the carpet. "I..I need to get some more water and pick this up.." Camilla mumbled.

"Gator keep her here and away from the glass, Mattias needs to use the human device." Prince said, getting off the bed.

He went downstairs, Nero having been pressing the numbers on the home phone for Mattias. Eventually they got it, Nero flipping the phone over, Mattias getting on his hind legs, putting his front paws on the counter. "Hello?"

"Is this Lilith?"

"That is me. Prince?"

"No, The Mattias Wolkerson the Second. The human Luz knows smells funny and is acting odd."

"Camilla? I won't be able to come..Uhh give me a minute. I'll have to call someone. I'll call back."

It beeped, the light on the home phone turning off. Nero put the phone back in its place, the kitten lowering the heat for the meat just a bit, hearing the water boil. "What do we do now?" Mattias asked, looking over at Prince.

"Keep my human from doing anything bad to herself. Come on." The mutt huffed, guiding the way upstairs.

To be continued.

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