Keep your eyes open. [46 part 2]

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Prince halted, sniffing the air, his ears perking up, the stallion trotting to the empty plot. A hiss surrounded them, a woman coming out of the bushes. Prince bucked, backing up, shaking his head. "Hey hey! Calm down!" Amity exclaimed, rubbing the side of his head. "Relax."

The stallion stepped away from the woman who approached, the lady shushing him, cupping his face, running her hand down his snout. Prince stomped his hooves down in front of her, nudging her away, nearly stepping on her foot.

She hissed, noticing Viney, the ladies eyes widening, "Amity she's not safe." Viney mumbled.

"Let's just keep going then." Amity muttered, patting Prince's side.

He drew back, trotting back in to the forest, looking back and around the entire time. In about half an hour, which Amity felt was too long for Luz, they made it to another clearing. Prince just went to the rim of it, leaves beginning to fall on the trio.

Viney looked up, then Amity, then Prince. "That's not good-" Viney blurted out.

The basilisk hissed, wrapping her tail around Viney, covering her mouth, and slithering away using the branches, "Prince! Go!"

He huffed, sniffing the air, going back to the clearing, the leaves rustling around the perimeter. He went dead ahead, jumping and biting something in the trees, the basilisk dropping down, hissing in his face. It released Viney, the witch falling back in to the grass.

Prince backed up, the basilisk slithering around the area, "You want to help Luz, don't you?" It hissed.

Amity glared at it, "What did you do to her."

"Tch. Such a shame. I don't know." It slithered back to Viney, picking her up. "She's a strong witch, but I don't need more magic then I've already got."

There was a red mark around Viney's neck, the witch just having lost her conscience, she was still alive, luckily. The basilisk dropped Viney again, slithering upright, "You give Luz to me, and I'll fix her right up."

"Why did you do it." Amity muttered, pulling at Prince's mane slightly, the stallion backing up.

It crossed it's arms, "I didn't want to do it. But she fought back, you should really get someone to guard your home better." It sighed. "Maybe then will she tell you things. Ever asked her what happened on that phone call that one night? When she said your hair was a mess?"

Prince huffed, stomping his hoof over the basilisks tail, only for it to pull it back seconds before he actually did. "Luz tells me everything when she needs to." Amity muttered, patting Prince's side.

He backed up, the basilisk slithering to a tree, leaning against it, "She lies, lies lies lies. She's hiding much more then you think she is. Do you know why she was sent here?"

"She didn't want to join a coven, the emperor sent her here to learn."

The basilisk nodded, "And, do you know why I'm here?"

"To bring Luz back, but you're not taking her from me."

It scoffed, "From you? Oh, hunny. We're taking her back, because you care. Because they care. Those humans she's with, they care, those who know, care. We will take her back, and when you come to be her princess in shining armor, you won't make it back alive, or in one piece."

The basilisk wrapped her tail around Prince's hoof, the stallion biting her tail, backing up further, blowing raspberry at it. "You're stuck on earth with us, even if you did take Luz, you'd be stuck here."

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