Boscha. [48]

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After school, Camilla had the day off, so she spent it with Luz, doing chores. "So, what are we doing?" Luz asked, dragging the buckets of water bottles and cans over.

Camilla grabbed the other side, already holding a big bucket of the cans over her shoulder, "We're doing the recycling today Luz. We get paid for doing this for some reason, guess it helps others try to recycle."

Luz ohed, just deciding to let Camilla help, the human being the strongest she knew. The man at the counter looked up, spotting the buckets, "How many?"

"Twenty-six (26) over twenty-four (24) and eighty-two (82) under it." Camilla recalled.

He nodded, typing something out on his phone, "$10.08. I can take those for you." He stood upright, going around the counter.

Camilla held out the lighter one for him to take, the male taking it, only to cry out in pain as it was too heavy. "A-Actually I hurt my arm- Think you can help-"

"Sure, I can help."


Next chore, clean the house. Viney helped during this part, she was taught how to wash the clothes, so she washed the pillow cases, covers, and Luz's stuffies. They cleaned all the mirrors, counters, dishes, got new flowers, cleaned the backyard, the pets room, and the guest guest room.

It took awhile, but the house was clean. Luz made a veggie wrap, having put the remains of the veggies in the compost bin. Luz let the fox rest in her right arm, the witchling making lunch with just one hand. Once everything was completed, the dishes being washed again, everyone ate.

Then when that was over, Viney and the pets played outside, Luz having caught up on homework. Once Luz finished, she worked on potions. Luz strongly believed that ingredients here, were the same as ingredients back home. So Luz worked on that while Viney got out of bed and went outside.

Viney was playing tug of war with Prince, the witch trying to beat him. Prince snarled, pulling roughly on the toy, Viney nearly falling forward in the dirt. A knock ensued on the front door, Viney being able to hear it because the front door was a bit close to the gate. "Grr..You win this round mutt." Viney snarled, releasing the toy.

Prince fell back, having pulled roughly, a grin spreading on Nero's muzzle. Viney opened the back door, going inside and to the front door, unlocking it and opening it. "Oh, hey Ame's." Viney spoke, opening the door more. "Whatcha doin here?"

"Luz. Obviously." Amity scoffed. "She doing okay?"

Viney nodded, "She's fine-"

A mini, harmless, explosion ensued upstairs, Viney facepalming. Amity moved past her, going upstairs, pushing Luz's door open, waving the fog away. A sneeze came from below, "Gesundheit." Amity muttered.


Amity looked down, the flog clearing up, "Oh my god."

Viney peeked in, awhed, and began entering the room, picking up the witchling. "You. Are. So. Cute." Viney cooed.

The witchling was wearing a plain white shirt, with blue pants that had tiny hearts on them. She was Luz, and she was nervous. "Uhm..Excuse me..?"

Viney held her in one arm, booping Luz's nose, "What's wrong cutie?"

"Ehm..Who..Who are you..?"

"Oh. Cruddlesticks, lots of potions do this- I'm Viney."

Luz was tense, and still very nervous. She glanced over at Amity, looking away in an instant, "Who's the pretty person?" Luz whispered.

"That's Amity." Viney answered.

"Am I allowed to marry her?"

Viney glanced up at the human, then back down at Luz, "I mean, you can ask." The witch said, putting Luz down.

The witchling winced, trying to keep her balance, stabilizing herself, and waving Amity down. The human kneeled down, Luz pointing to her hand. Amity held her hand out, Luz taking it, "Will you marry me?"

Amity awhed quietly, sounding like she was about to cry, "You want me to marry you?" She cooed.

Luz nodded, kissing Amity's hand, Viney patting Luz's head, "You got this."

Amity kissed Luz's head, the witchling giggling, "I accept to your marriage proposal."

Luz kissed Amity's cheek, falling in to the humans grasp, holding on to her tightly. "Guess you're married now." Viney smirked.

"She's so cute. How could I say no?" Amity whispered.

Luz nuzzled in to Amity's shoulder, relaxing in her grasp, only to stiffen, trembling slightly. "What's wrong Clawthorne?" Viney asked, gently nudging Luz.

The witchling, now confused, looked back at Viney, "I'm..I'm not a Cwa- Pbbt-" Luz blew raspberry, restarting her train of thought. "Cwathon!

"Right- Uhm- What was your last name again?-"

Luz cowered, shaking her head, nuzzling into Amity's shoulder. "Luz, how old are you?" Viney asked.

"Four (4) and a qwaurtwer (¼).." She said very quietly.

Viney scratched behind her ear, Luz pulling back, covering her head, "Is something wrong with her being this age?" Amity asked, sitting down, rubbing Luz's back.

"Yeah..She was an orphan during this time, parents died, no immediate family..Luz, do you know Boscha?"

The witchling turned back, getting very excited, "Bo? Bo! I know Bo! Bo my best friend! I know Bo! Bo Bo Bo!" Luz got out of Amity's grasp, going to Viney, shaking her arm. "Where's Bo?"

The fox limped in, spotting Luz, carefully limping over, sniffing her out, "Hi Bo! Why are you a fox?" Luz asked, patting it's head. "You still look very cute."

Viney looked over at Amity, both clearly suprised, "Boscha?"

To be continued.

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