Her aunt. [13 part 3]

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Lilith spent the entire meal glaring at Amity, only looking away to look at Luz while she spoke. "Lily?"

"Hm?" The older witch questioned, looking at her niece.

"Since you're here, in this world I mean-" Luz mumbled that last bit, making sure her tablemates wouldn't hear. "You have a home right?"

"I do. Thought I'd be in a hotel?"

"I love that word- I did at first, till I realized you've been here for three (3), maybe four (4) years!" Luz gasped. "Do you have car!?"

"How do you think I got here? A staff?"

"Mom- Camilla- Camilla says you need something called a driver's license, do you have yours?"

Lilith reached in to her pocket, pulling out a small wallet, and opening it up. She took out a small plasticy rectangular object, showing it to Luz. "I wanna drive I wanna drive!"

"You're to young, you must be over 18 to get one."

"Wha- Auntie when's my birthday?"

"In earth time it's a month after you come back, in our time it's about 4 weeks after you come back."

"Are you coming back for my birthday Auntie?"

"Should be-"

The sound a loud speaker makes when being turned on overpowered Lilith's voice, the speaker giving off feedback. "Dear visitors, be on lookout for a black kitty with two different colored eyes. If you see it, please inform staff so we can capture it. Thank you."

It clicked, giving a loud feedback before it shut off. "Luz, you have a phone right?"

"Mhm!" The witchling nodded, pulling her phone out and unlocking it. "May I have your number?"

Lilith pulled hers out, unlocking it and handing it to Luz. The younger witch hummed to a short tune, putting her phone number in her aunt's contacts, then adding Lilith's number in her own phone. She handed the phone back, turning off her own and putting it away.

Prince got up from the grass, going over to Luz and resting his head in her lap, letting out a whine. "What is it?" Luz asked.

He let out a mixture of a whine and bark, Luz patting his head. "We can't go home, we still have the thing. Amity can you check in with Skara?"

The Blight perked up, putting down her cup of water and pulling her cell out. She unlocked it, went to contacts, and called Skara. After the second ring, she picked up: "Is it ready?" Amity asked.

"Yep! You guys can come now, table just for you and the football captain~"

"Sit me with him and I'll rip your eyes out." Amity hissed. "We'll be there in a few minutes."

Amity hung up, nodding to Luz, the witch standing up. "Mrs.Hazel come on, bandanna goes back on!"

"Again? Luz I don't want you to trip me over a rock again."

"Sarah can you take her?"


This isn't considered cheating, right? Elizabeth couldn't follow Sarah correctly, so the bus driver held on to her waist from behind, the floral teacher blushing like crazy. "If this makes you uncomfortable I can just guide you but you'll probably trip over a rock."

"I'll risk it.."

Sarah let her go, taking her hands and guiding her to the secret spot. Luz took Amelia's hand, wanting her to hurry up so their surprise could come quicker. "Luz I'm coming I'm coming, don't rush me!"

"You're such a snail!"

Amelia let out a small scoff, ruffling Luz's hair; "A snail? What am I a gastropod?"

"Yes! A snail, slug and a whelk! Amity help me!"

The cheer captain tripped Amelia, quickly booking it ahead. The greenette gasped, running after Amity to get revenge. They lapped around the area, Amity blowing raspberry back at Amelia before she bunked in to Luz. They both fell in the grass, Luz laughing to the dumb interaction, a blush growing on Amity's face.

The human snorted, joining in with the laughing witch, Amelia laying on top of the cheer captain. "Amelia you're heavy!" The Blight exclaimed.

Luz slipped out from under Amity, pushing Amelia off the human and laying on top of the Blight, the cheer captain trying to keep herself up to keep the grass from staining her cheek. "Luz- I'm going to hit you if you don't get off-"

"You scooped me up a few days ago, can't carry me meow?" Luz teased.

"I'm in a purr-dicament. Now get off!" Amity shouted.

Luz giggled; "Can you do a push-up?"

"Luz- Please just get off-"

"Can you?"

"I can't- GET OFF-"

Luz moved Amity's hair to be in her face, poking the back of her neck; "Boop."

The humans cheeks flushed, the Blight trembling a bit before she gave up and just burried her face in the grass. Luz fell to the side, patting Amity's head, giggling quietly. "I loathe you.."

To be continued.

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