The sleepover part 2. [14 part 3]

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More then an hour later, a movie had been started, Luz was doing a FaceTime call with Amity so she could join them in watching the movie, the Blight having a fancy snack in constant screen view. "Gator pass me the gummies.." Luz whispered to him.

He got the small bag, offering it to Luz, the witch ripping a piece off the string cheese she had, feeding it to the dog. He barked quietly, his tail wagging swiftly. "Yeah, I have a dog named Prince at home, we could go over sometime if you want." Luz whispered.

"Luz don't look at the screen." Amity whispered to her.

"Wha- Why?"

"There's blood."

The witch let out a small yelp, covering her eyes, then hearing a splat, covering her ears instead. "Why did we pick this movie?" Luz whined, burrying her face in her knees.

"Sleepovers are full of scary movies Luz!" Gus exclaimed, chomping down on the popcorn. "Oh yeah bite his head off!"

"GaToR pRoTeCt Me!" Luz wailed, pulling the dog over.

Nero was already hiding, when he heard scary movie earlier he hid in a pile of blankets, not yet having left it. Gator got up, blocking the TV from Luz's view; "Good boy!"

"I'm here too Luz." Amity muttered.

The witch picked up her phone, putting it beside Willow, the human behind the screen getting more comfortable on her bed. "I'm rooting for Snakezilla."

"What a boring choice. Queen Gong is obviously going to win." Willow said, drinking some of her soda.

Luz got up, Gator getting up with her as well; "I'll be right back, you guys want anything else?"

"More soda please!" Gus said, raising his empty cup.

"No thanks, I'm good." Willow responded.

Luz nodded, leaving with Gator, Nero sneaking out with them to avoid the gruesome stuff. "Alright Gator, where's this plant Willow can't grow back?"

He barked quietly, trotting towards this plant that was facing the window, the moon shining on it. He barked again, Luz casting a small spell circle; "I'm a witch, one of my friends is a dog and we learned from him." Luz said, answering his question.

The bare plant perked up, small little stubs growing on its bark, Nero coming over and getting on Luz's shoulder. "You got scared of the movie too?" Luz asked, moving Nero's fur back, his fur standing on end. "HEY- CLAWS- NERO CLAWS-"

He quickly retracted them, nuzzling Luz's shoulder to quickly apologize. The witch put him on the windowsill, Gator sniffing the small kitty out. He let out a small bark, Nero mewing nervously, Gator barking excitedly. "Come on, let's get snacks."


Luz took awhile to go back upstairs, having talked with Willow's parents for awhile, getting to know them a bit. As she was about to take the first step up, someone knocked on the front door; "Luz can you get that?" Mr.Park, with the bushy beard, asked.

"Yeah okay! Come on Gator." Luz said, patting her thigh.

Nero got back on her shoulder, Gator following her to the front door, the witch opening it slightly, peeking out. "Amity?" Luz questioned, clearly suprised and unaware of the human coming over, opening the door more.

Gator sniffed her out, having found out about the bet as well, rooting for Amity as well, actually liking her already. "Was begged to come, I was bored so I did." Amity mumbled, patting Gator's head.

His tail wagged swiftly, Nero hissing quietly at her. Mr.Park peeked around the corner, Mister.Park, no facial hair, did as well; "Come in new person!" Mr.Park exclaimed.

Nero shook his head violently, hissing at Amity, the human shushing him. "By now you know what Luz is, don't do that in her ear." Amity hissed back.

"Mew!? Meowrr!?"

Gator barked, answering the kittens question. "Yes I told her, she actually found out!" Luz argued back.

Nero snarled quietly, Luz stepping aside, allowing Amity to come in. She stepped inside, Luz closing and locking the door behind her, Gator nudging Amity closer to the witch. "How did you get here so fast? It's only been like thirteen (13) minutes.."

"I live pretty close by, also my driver was tired and just wanted to hurry up and drop me off."

Nero got on Luz's other shoulder, keeping Amity away from his person, not wanting her to mess with his bet. Gator barked, taking the first few steps up; "Oh you want Nero?"

He barked again, Luz taking the kitten off her shoulder and putting him down in front of the dog. Gator glared at him, picking him up from his neck, rushing upstairs and to his other bed. He dropped Nero down on it, laying on top of him, growling quietly at the kitten. -Dog and Cat translator-

"You will not interfere with my ship." Gator snarled.

"You will-" Nero hissed quietly, trying to slip out. "Unhand me this instant you fleabag!"

Gator let out a suprised bark, looking over at Luz who just reached the second floor with Amity. "Witch! He called me a fleabag!" Gator barked.

Luz looked over, hearing and very well understanding what he said; "Nero don't be rude, Gator's a good boy."

The mutt let out a whimper, his ears falling back; "WHAT!? HE'S LYING!" Nero yowled, digging his claws in to the bed, trying to pull himself out.

"He did it again!" Gator whimpered, knowing Luz couldn't understand Nero that much.

Luz came over, patting Gator's head, the mutt giving her sad puppy eyes; "If you're going to be rude I'll have to call Camilla, and Prince, to come pick you up."

Nero's ears fell back, the cat having a bitter expression, the kitten letting out a quiet snarl. Luz scratched his chin with her index finger, Nero licking her palm; "Good boy."

"Yeah yeah.." He mewed.

"Very good boy." Gator barked smugly.

Luz ruffled Gator's fur, getting back up and going to Willow's room, opening the door for Amity. "OH MY GOD AMITY BLIGHT-" Gus shouted, a loud thud, crash, and soul leaving him, following.

To be continued.

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