Tricks don't work on her. [29 part 2]

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Luz was fed, Amity currently petting her, both on the floor. "Doesn't look like anyone's looking for a dog.." The human mumbled, putting her phone down.

"Because I'm not lost Amity."


"I'm not lost Amity."

"I only know you're saying my name, not the other stuff."

"Oh. Then this is pointless. Names..Uh- Penny."


"Ooh that works! Skara?"





"Mary." Amity repeated.

"Smart human!"

"Didn't quite get that."

Luz nuzzled her palm when Amity reached her snout, the now shepherd wanting her undying affection, now realizing how Prince felt when he got pet. Amity scratched her chest, then went up to her neck, scratching her chin, ruffling the dogs fur. "Good girl~ Such a good girl~" Amity cooed.

She let out happy whines, her foot tapping on the floor swiftly. "Know any tricks?"



"I'm not doing this. I'm no dog." Luz snarled. "Screw your methods of bribery."

"If you want the treat, you're going to have to hand me your paw."

Luz growled, lifting her paw up, placing it on Amity's open palm. The Blight offered her the treat, Luz eating it up in an instant, licking her lips, her tail wagging. "Next!"

"This one's a bit tricky, so you have to pay attention alright?"

Luz barked loudly, pressing her nose up against Amity's cheek, giving her a boop. "Try to get your paw all the way up here okay?" Amity explained, putting her hand up.

The shepherd fumbled to pick her paw up, pressing it up against Amity's. "Good girl," Amity cooed, giving her another treat. "Now try to switch."

Luz tilted her head to the side, slightly confused. Amity put treats in her other hand, the dog not noticing, the human lifting her other hand up. Luz licked it, thinking there'd be a treat, but she was fooled! She put her paw over Amity's hand, sniffing it out, letting out a small whine.

Amity giggled, Luz wanting a flipping treat after being tricked like that. "I'm sorry I'm sorry, I switched hands. They're in here." Amity said, opening her palm with the remaining treats.

Luz licked them up, trotting off while she ate them, sticking her tounge out at Amity. "Rude. I paid for those y'know."

"They're delicious." Luz mocked, thinking she sounded a bit like Boscha.

Amity pat the spot in front of her, Luz going back over, laying down in front of her. "Oh so now you lay down."


"First one.." Amity mumbled, holding her open palm up.

Luz put her right paw up against it, "Then the second.."

She switched paws, Amity just moving her hand to her right, Luz's left, the dog doing the same process. "Third."

Luz fumbled a bit, Amity putting her hand down, palm facing up, the shepherd adding some force when she put her paw on Amity's hand. "And the final one."

The shepherd held her paw out for Amity, then the human gently fist bumped her. "Boom."

Luz's tail wagged swiftly, cause wow she liked this thing! "What's it called?"

"Ooh that's a new word I understand! We call them handshakes. You have paws so I guess it'll be something else. Want to try again?"

The shepherds tail picked up the pace, Amity taking that as a yes, repeating the process.

I'm the hour Luz got the hang of it, someone knocked on Amity's room door. "Come in!"

The door opened, the butler coming in, opening his mouth, about to speak. "Another sleepless night I'm guessing?"

He nodded, bowing, and leaving. "You have to go back where ever you came from, I'm not going to able to hang out with you tonight."

Luz put down her paw, standing up, spinning around. "Cute, but not working.."

She did a small jump while she spun, nope. Luz got on her hind legs, stabling herself, wanting Amity to take her front paws. She pawed at Amity's hands, the human finally understanding, taking her paws. "Are you trying to dance with me?"

Luz barked, her tail wagging swiftly. "Well sorry, but I have a dance saved for someone. Go home, okay?"

Amity pulled back, Luz whining, the human leaving the room a bit to quickly. Luz swiftly followed her to a room, the door being closed in the shepherds face. Luz backed up a bit, looking at the ground, picking a spot away from the door, laying down. 'Guess I'll wait for her to finish..'


3:02 am. The door opened, Luz getting startled by it, jerking up, spotting Amity. The human rubbed her eyes, staggering out the doorway, her father coming out, patting her shoulder and heading to his room. "I'll be back in a few minutes to continue." He called back.

Amity moved her back up against the wall, sliding down it, sighing in relief as she could finally relax her legs. Luz nuzzled her, Amity patting her head, "Thought you'd go home.."

"I would but I rather stick with you Blight. Like I said, us weirdos stick together."

Amity let her body relax, Luz laying back down, the Blight wanting to rest before she had to go on til morning.

It was a short rest, but Amity felt like it was enough to keep going a few more hours, getting back up when her dad came over. Luz rose from her spot, following them in the room this time, laying down by the door. She watched them get ready, Amity needing to change behind that door paper thing.

Didn't take long for her to come out looking gorgeous in a beautiful, flowy, light green dress. Luz's tail thumped on the floor, the German Shepard trying to look away, but she couldn't. "So pretty. Green is her color."

"Quiet mutt or you're out." Alador muttered, waving his hand.

Amity moved to the left a bit, rubbing her eyes, letting out a quick yawn. "I won't let you rest until you do this Amity."

"Sorry sorry..Just tired is all.."

Luz snarled, Alador waving his hand again, shushing the shepherd. "Being tired isn't an excuse, only six (6) more to go."

Eventually, he finished with all the clothing and pictures. Now it was 5:27 AM. Luz followed Amity to her room, the Blight falling face first on her bed, her body relaxing. Luz sniffed the bed, hopping on, nudging Amity, laying down by her. "One hour of sleep.."


"I have to go again at 6:45.."

Luz nuzzled her cheek, Amity liking the warmth she produced. The shepherd repositioned herself, putting her paw over Amity, nuzzling in to her shoulder, the Blight relaxing completely. "Night.."


To be continued.

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