Now she knows. [41 part 2]

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"Yeah, right now, I'm trying to make her and Luz spend time together, but it hasn't been working. I hope that if I do it enough, Amity will crack and ask me for help finding out what her sexuality is-"

Emira's phone vibrated, beginning to play the song, "I kissed a girl and I liked it! The taste of her cherry-" Emira pulled her phone out, answering the call.



"What's up Mittens?" Emira asked, sitting properly on the bed.

The other Blight panicked a bit on her end of the line, "I'M IN FRONT OF A STORE, I HAVE THREE BAGS OF THINGS LUZ WOULD LIKE- WHAT AM I DOING!?"

Emira snorted, facepalmed, and got off the bed, "Listen Mittens, you're gay. Admit it already. You're getting things for Luz, no straight person would do that unless you're trying to buy their friendship."

"Can I go with that option instead?-"

"Amity, no. No, no, no, no. You're going with the Luz option."

Amity talked with someone on her end, giggling, then sighing in relief, returning to the phone, "Sorry, I'm with Noah. He had come to get ice cream by the store I was at-"

"Get away from him."

"Huh- Why?"

"Bad vibes. Kill him. Bury him. Plant flowers Amity. Do it, do it, do it."

"Shut up! I don't need your help anymore, Noah will help me figure it out. By Em." Amity hung up.

Emira frowned, dropping her phone, kicking it away, grabbing a pillow and screaming in to it. Viney snorted, shaking her head and laughing. "You're so- Ahahahaha! Dumb Em! My friend uses that allegory, you remind me of her." Viney wiped away her laughing tears, shaking her head slowly. "You're such an idiot.."

Luz came in, Emira quickly leaving, her face all red. "Oh, well- Here's lunch, you can stay in my room today, I'll sleep in the guest bedroom." Luz said, going to Viney, placing the tray with a meal in front of her.

The witch pulled it over, "You sure? I can move."

Luz shook her head, "I've informed my guardian-"

"AHHHHHHH- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!" Emira screamed.

"Oh hush up! You aren't exactly a sight for the faint of heart either!" Venom shouted back.


"Alright bet! I'll bite your face off! Maybe then will you look better!"

"Hey man, you're actually hurting my feelings right now-"

"Oh, I'm sorry- You don't look that bad, you just scared me and I'm reacting with threats because you might back down-"

Luz facepalmed, begrudgingly going downstairs, Emira on the floor, Venom patting her head, "A-And my sisters blind- I'm kinda stressed right now dude-" Emira sniffled, wiping her nose.

"It's alright, I hope your sister is okay. Let it out, just let it allllll out." Venom said, sitting down in front of her.

Emira nodded slowly, "I'm going to college- My parents want me and my twin bro to move out, maybe because I'm the hot twin and she doesn't want my brother to feel left out when she kicks him out too-"

Venom agreed, "Yes you're a fairly attractive person Emira, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Sniff- Thanks dino man.."

"It's Venom."

"Right yeah- Thanks Venom.."

He spotted Luz, the familiar nudging Emira, the human looking back. "Hey what is this guy?-"


Luz had yet another person to explain witches, magic, and Venom, to. "And I'm one of those, understand?" Luz sighed, flicking away the illusion.

"Yeah, one question. Can I learn magic?" Emira asked. "I wanna do that cool poof thing you just did." Emira said, doing jazz hands.

Luz half nodded, "I mean, I can give you some, you can try Illusions."

Emira clapped, Luz booping Emira's nose, the human pouting, "What the hell did that do."

"No cursing, under this roof, you curse, you get angry constructive criticism." Luz huffed. "Think of something, and draw a circle in the air."

Emira hummed, thinking of an illusion to create, and drew a circle in the air, a puff of blue smoke surrounding both girls. Blue Luz. It went over to Emira, kissing her forehead, the Illusion sitting down by the human. "You made an Illusion of me, so you could make it kiss you?"

The human nodded, patting Illusion Luz's head, "Now you can kiss me whenever I want~" Emira cooed.

Venom came back over, walking right through the Illusion, said Illusion poofing away. "Are you going to see what Grace got you?" He asked.

"Oh that's right, I have to check." Luz said, looking over at the kitchen, seeing the object in tissue paper.

The witch went over, carefully picking it up, unwrapping it from the purple tissue paper. It was a fake rainbow rose in a casing that lit up, already having batteries in it. Luz checked the bottom, moving the switch to the other side, the rose illuminating a nice rainbow on the glass.

Luz was fascinated, humans were advanced enough to do this, and this was absolutely amazing. She purred quietly, feeling the glass, thick but still fragile. A knock came at the door, Luz carefully putting the present down, going to the door. She unlocked it, and opened it, "Hey Gus! Whatcha doing here?" Luz asked, opening the door more.

"Came to visit! Got kinda bored, forgot to ask if I could come too-"

Luz shook her head, "I don't mind, the best kind of prizes are sur-prizes! Come in!"

He thanked her, entering the house, Venom scurrying to the pets room, closing the door. "What were you up to Luz?" He asked.

"Opening a gift, isn't it amazing?" Luz squealed, going back to her rainbow rose. "Still need to learn what batteries are-"

Like Gus was prepared, he pulled his tablet out of his satchel, unlocking his device, searching for a PowerPoint. He clicked on it, showing it to Luz, clearing his throat, "Battery. A power source consisting of electrochemical cells that power devices." Next slide. "Such as remotes," Next slide. "Lights," Next slide. "And anything that comes with a charger or a toy."

Luz ooed, checking out all the other devices on the screen, "Ooh, there's different types?"

Gus nodded, sliding a few screens ahead, "Double A, triple A, air batteries, alkaline batteries, but for yours, you'll need double A." Gus explained.

Luz clapped, "That was very impressive Agustus!"

He bowed as Luz kept on clapping, "A thank you, a thank you, a thank youuu!"

A creak came up from the stairs, Viney carefully coming down, "Hey Luzifer..There's another problem.."

To be continued.

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