Off menu option. [43 part 3]

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Lunch. Amity vs Cat, now with a new opponent. Bo. So, what'll it be Luz? You and Amity, you and Bo, or you and Cat?

Right now, kinda looks like it's going to be Willuz. The witch was still kinda sleepy, so out of autopilot, she sat in Willow's lap, having dozed off once again. "Willow, hand her over." Amity stated.

"Nu-Uh, to me." Cat huffed.

"I'll take her to class." Bo spoke.

Amelia came over, Skara having gone home, Amelia tapping Amity's shoulder. The Blight looked up, "What?" Amity asked bitterly.

"Skara went home," Amelia handed Amity a notebook. "Those are your notes, Scar's getting retainers, so you should go see her after."

Amity put her notebook away, Amelia noticing Luz, "Is she-"

"She's fine, but someone won't give Luz back." Amity hissed.

Willow rolled her eyes, just having held Luz up, Gus just making more PowerPoints for Luz, "She chose Willow anyways." Gus muttered.

Luz shifted a bit, purring quietly, taking Willow's hand, "Alright- That's it-" Amity got up. "Give her back, she's mine."

Willow shushed her, "She isn't anyone's, if anything, she's Viney's!"

"So she told you?"

"I live next door Amity. Besides, Luz has a picture of her on her lockscreen for Pete's sake."

"Willow, hand Luz to me while you and Amity fight." Cat said, scooting closer.

"No, hand her to me, I can carry her." Bo insisted.

Amelia knelt down in front of Willow and Luz, booping Luz's nose, the witch just pulling back a bit, "Yeah, there is no way Luz is going to let go of Willow." Amelia said, getting back up. "Here, let me help you up, so you can take her to class, hopefully she'll wake up by then."

Willow nodded, adjusting how she was carrying Luz, Amelia helping her get up without affecting Luz, the other three girls just watching, Amity already ticked off. Luz nuzzled in to Willow's shoulder, purring quietly, the human squeezing her hand, "Do you know where her class is?" Willow asked.

Amelia nodded, "Yeah, ASB. I'll take you."

Gus got up, taking his things, having to follow along because he too forgot which class he had and only Willow knew. He picked up Luz and Willow's bags, following the trio, waving at the other girls. They were just, waiting there, dumbfounded. They couldn't get the girl, because the girl chose someone off menu.

The shape changes.


After school, Luz was walking home today with Willow and Gus, and apparently, Cat, Bo, Amelia, and Amity. Gary was told to take Amity home, but she had declined, insisting she walk home with Luz. Then she had an idea, she told Gary to go wait by the street just before a different one, and then she'd kidnap Luz.

Well, not kidnap, just, bring her home unwillingly! "By the way, what did you do to my plants?" Willow asked, her and Luz being in front and slightly separated from the group. "My Venus Flytraps all have purple or red mouths now."

Luz smiled nervously, "U-Uhm- I still can't control my magic here- I may or may not have..Enchanted your plants..?"

Willow gently nudged her, "Well, at least now I know why I had to put my new piranha plants outside."

"They're not hurting anyone right? I can take them home, Viney and I trained them, they'll be like acid spitting guard dogs!" Luz explained. "You should meet Viney actually, she's kinda bored at home because she can't heal quick enough and wants to meet more humans."

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now