Full of no. [22 part 3]

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Luz had gone to the Emperor straight after school, being allowed in right away. She was led to his special room, the other people leaving when she entered. "Luz Clawthorne."

"N-Not an illusion..?"


"You ehm..Wanted to see me?"

"Have you thought about the offer."

"I didn't, I gave you my answer."

He rested his head in his palm, waving Luz over a bit, the witch taking a few steps to him. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Think it over-"

"I gave you my answer and it's final. I'm sorry Emperor, I rather stay coven-less."

"Haha. I like you. Think it over once more, if you still decline, you'll do something else for me instead."

Luz grabbed on to her arm, nodding slowly. "Go now, I shall see you on Monday."

A few days later

The witchling was allowed access to the Emperor early Monday morning, Luz knowing her answer. "So, have you thought it over?"

"I have. I'm not taking the internship."

"Ah. Still no..Then do the other task I require, or join my coven."

Luz tensed up, seeing Edalyn come over with the key; "Mom-"

"Just hear him out Luz.."

The witchling went over to her adoptive mother, hugging her tightly, looking over at the Emperor. "You will etheir go to Earth, learn about what is what, but as a citizen. Go to a school, get information on how everything works, learn for me. Or, join my coven."

"How..How long will I have to stay?"

"Roughly the first two semester's of your school year. You will be back by the third semester." He explained.

Luz looked up at Edalyn, her mom patting her head. "Your choice.."

Current time

"That doesn't seem like a bad offer, why didn't you take it?" Amity asked, gently pushing Luz back. "I mean not that I don't like you Luz I really do-" Amity cleared her throat. "Answer please.."

"It's horrible there.."

"How come?"

"Lily was in it..She doesn't like to talk about her time there..He does bad things.."

Amity nuzzled her cheek, the witch purring quietly, relaxing slightly. "You don't have to tell me much more, that alone answered alot of my questions." Amity spoke. "Do you want to wait a little longer?"

Luz nodded slowly, Amity pulling her back down, rubbing her back gently, knowing Luz was still injured from the pain the human caused the witch.


Wow, second (2nd) lunch! They skipped two (2) classes! "I should get a cat.."

"Hm..?" Luz yawned, lifting her head up slightly, purring quietly. "Why..Just borrow Nero from time to time.."

"Your purrs soothe me, they sound nice.." Amity hummed, leaning her head against Luz's. "Going to skip another class?"

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