The drawing mayhem. [4]

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Third teacher, got him a nice neck and back pillow. He was actually currently using it and in a better mood as the students say. He let them mess around, Luz wanting him to give her some independent work to keep herself busy and entertained. She got on of those word puzzles, where you have to answer problems and you get a letter to answer the riddle.

Luz liked those, she did something like this in potions. She knew how to do math, it was easy, she could learn something else in just a few lessons. She rested her head in her left palm, being ambidextrous is so useful in her opinion. A paper dart was sent in her direction, Luz catching it and throwing it at the ground.

A few boys ooed, one of them grumbling angrily. "That was our last staple boys.."

Luz kept her eyes on her work, reaching in to her bag and handing him her stapler. "Only 15. Don't hit anyone please?"

He nodded slowly, stapling exactly 15 times on a paper and taking them out. He handed her the stapler back, Luz sliding it back in her bag. His buddies nudged him, taking 3 each. They all went to the back of the class, going to the dart board, no darts actually there. They were all stolen the first day of school anyways.

Luz finished the work very quickly, the riddle was; Why didn't Pebble brush his teeth with gunpowder? He was afraid he'd blow his mouth off. She thought it was funny, putting it in the blue bin, specifically for the third class. She went back to her desk, which was actually pretty close to the front.

Second row, two seats to the right and one seat off from the middle. She took out her sketchbook, the one she did have from back home. She opened to a blank page, eventually zoning out while she drew. Around half an hour later, the whole class, besides the teacher, were surrounding her.

She didn't realize it, she was to busy drawing, sketching. "Hey are you gay?" Someone asked.

"Bisexual.." Luz mumbled, continuing the sketch.

That's when she zoned back in, it was that girl she was with a few days ago. She was resting her head in her right palm, having a soft smile on her face. Luz immediately closed her book, just realizing she drew someone without their consent. Oh how rude of herself, that was so wrong.

The class booed, Luz fixing her hood. "That was so good new kid! Draw someone else!" A student exclaimed.

"Yeah I'll pay you $25 for a drawing of me!" A guy exclaimed.

"Nu-Uh me first! I'll pay $30!"

Willow shushed everyone, the students looking over at her. "Let her decide, no need to shout." She said.

They ohed, all shushing one another. Someone sat in the chair in front of her, flipping it over. "Can ya do me?" This girl asked, her hair dyed a nice light green. "If so how much? Below 50 and ill pay."

"Ehm- 35..?" Luz mumbled, moving back in her chair.

She didn't expect this much attention on her first day, she just drew someone she didn't know without her consent. She's not herself until she etheir erases the drawing, or gives it to her as an apology. She flinched when the girl slammed down $35 on her desk. "Get to drawing then if you don't mind."

Luz nodded slowly, opening to a blank page. "Er- Am I allowed to draw you..? D-Do I have your consent to do so..?"

The girl nodded, Luz perking up a bit. "How long do you think this'll take?"

"Maybe 30 minutes? I can work on it during the break if you'd like-" Luz blurted out, taking the money as to not disturb her.

The girl rested her head in both her hands, giving Luz a small nod.


Luz was given 7 commissions, 6 payed off (suprised everyone had this much money), and 4 different phone numbers for later. She added her signature at the bottom in ink, gently ripping it out of her book and handing it to the now named girl, Amelia. She was working on the guy who almost darted her, having a picture of him on her phone which was on her book.

She zoomed out a bit, getting more of his features down as well as his buddies. He payed 5 dollars more for each person in it. Luz didn't mind it, she'd take the 35, but he persisted and payed her 50. She thought that was to much, but he didn't mind it.

Luz remembered about the drawing drawn without consent, putting her phone in her bag and flipping to the page. She ripped it out carefully, adding her signature in pen, and a short note in the corner. As if it was fate, she bunked in to the girl she drew. "Watch it, nitwit." She hissed in a bitter tone.

The witch swallowed the lump in her throat nervously, handing her the paper. "I-I saw you the other day and I zoned out- I didn't mean to draw you- Let alone do it without your consent- I'm really sorry- Really really sorry-" Luz bowed, rushing off to her 5th class.

The girl huffed, rolling her eyes and examining the paper. Her friend whistled, nudging her gently. "That looks really good, amazing even. Ohh- You're smiling in this~ How cute~"

"Meh. My dad can draw better." She said, handing her the paper.

"Yeah but he's like 40, she's like 14. Does that not impress you a bit?"

"She's a creep Skar, she literally drew me. And I didn't even know until now. That impresses me on how creepy people are nowadays."

"Amity~ Don't be like that~"

"Shut it Skara, come on. We can use this time to get my grades higher."

The girl sighed, letting out a small whine. "Fineeee.."

To be continued.

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