Dinner plans. [37]

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Saturday morning, Luz and Camilla had made plans to re-do Luz's adoption anniversary, and it was settled. Prince knew it was a private mini party, so he said he'd stay home or wherever Luz felt was safe for him and Nero. So Luz called Amity, asking if the human could watch her two- Eight (8). Eight (8) pets.

Why eight (8) you ask? Luz has six (6) caterpillars who are in their second to last stage. Chrysalis. And yes, that is in fact where I got my nickname, Chrys. But back to the point, her caterpillars, soon to be butterflies, were close to finishing up their changing process.

Luz needed to be careful not to move them, but they were a day, maybe sooner, to freeing themselves. Luz wanted to see it for herself, so she needed someone to watch them so she knew when to come and watch. Amity thankfully accepted the extra company, telling Luz she could bring them or call someone to pick them up anytime. And just a small note, Mattias is with Ay.

So that's what's going on. "Prince, you listen to Amity alright?"

He barked, "I know! I'm a good boy! I will watch the green squishy things for you!"

Nero hopped on to Prince's back, jumping on to Amity's arm, the human quietly cursing, picking up the cat, "That's not how you get on people."

He rolled his eyes, climbing up to her shoulder, getting comfortable around her neck, "Nero, be a good cat or I'll tell Rose you got a hairball the other day." Prince snarled.

He hissed at Prince, resting his head on Amity's shoulder, his tail grazing the humans cheek, "Well, you guys have fun. Come on, the pavement will get hot in a bit." Amity said, patting her thigh.

Prince's tail wagged as he followed Amity to the car, getting in after she opened the door, carefully taking the caterpillars, waiting for Amity to get in. Nero hopped in, then Amity, the girl closing the door, the car jerking forward and going down the street. "Well then, let's hope nothing bad happens." Camilla sighed.

"Don't curse it.." Luz mumbled. "Don't curse it.."


Camilla jinxed it. Work called and she couldn't decline, unless she wanted to be fired. She declined. They couldn't fire her though, she had the same amount of power at her last job, and if they fired her, the animal climc will crumble. Metaphorically writing of course, they'll just be struggling to conduct payments, make room for other animals, and schedule things.

Which will lead to the hospitals death. And others. Which isn't good because then things will go downhill. Camilla was allowed this day off, as long as she comes tomorrow and does her work. "Mom, when you were tipsy, you asked if one of your female co-workers thought you were hot-" Luz began, just recalling that incident.

Camilla spit out her tea, coughing as she slammed her hand on the table, Luz patting her back, "No- Cough- I'm fine- Cough cough-"

Luz grabbed a napkin, wiping up the tea, throwing away the wet, soft, paper. "Ehm- Do you want me to stop talking..?"

Camilla shook her head, clearing her throat, nervously swallowing to clear her throat once more, "No no, tell me what I said-"

"O-Oh- W-Well- I thought you were a lesbian, and you answered with a oh yeah I remember..And then you started blabbing about your female co-worker, that you thought she was hot..- And then I asked if you had a bottle and so on..-"

Camilla groaned, Luz patting her shoulder, "God I'm never..Drinking again.."

Luz nervously laughed, "Uhm..Are you at least going to drink your tea..?"


Dinner. It's finally time for the dinner they deserved. Luz had ordered her mother's favorite meal, which was surprisingly called the same thing in both worlds. Calamari pasta. Except it's squid, not a kraken, but the meal wasn't here yet. Luz got an appetizer as well. First time trying it too. What was it you ask? "Bread sticks for the polite lady." The waiter said, placing the bowl down.

Luz ooed, steam rising from the now confirmed hot food, "Thank you so much!" Luz smiled.

The waiter bowed his head, looking over at Camilla, "Anything else I can get for you ladies?"

"Ah, no thanks. We're great for now, thank you."

He nodded, leaving a few napkins on the table and heading to the kitchen. Luz poked the bread, hissing as her finger began to burn. Camilla pulled her phone out, fumbling with it a bit. She had called someone, the person answering, Camilla pointing the camera at Luz.

The witch grabbed a napkin, picking up the bread stick with it, nervously taking a bite out of it. She winced, shaking her head, carefully letting the hot bread pass, the food burning her throat. She lightly blew on it, taking another bite, "Gwoh mwy gwosh-"

*Oh my gosh-

Camilla facepalmed, laughing quietly as Luz got giddy, "Gwhis quis qwamaigzing!"

*This is amazing!

Luz pat the table, taking another bite of the hot food, "Do you like it?" Camilla asked.



"There's different types y'know." Camila said, resting her head in her left palm.

Luz looked up at her in shock, "Gwe-" Luz paused, letting the food pass before she spoke, "Really?"

Camilla nodded, "Really."

Luz froze, looking up and around, Camilla lowering the phone a bit, "Is something wrong?" Camilla asked.

The witch shook her head, looking back down at her food, "It's nothing, nevermind. Just one of those weird bad feelings."

Camilla waved her hand in front of the camera, hanging up. It was Amity if you were wondering, the Blight was always with Luz when the witch tried something new, Amity needed to see a reaction. The Blight was fangirling over Luz's reaction silently over the phone, then she was hung up on, so that was a bummer.

Right then, back to the dinner. Luz took another bite out of her bread stick, thinking about something, "Hey, what's today?"



Camilla looked down at her phone, nodding, "Yeah, October 27th."

*Ooh what?~ Had to re-read almost every episode, we're going to say it's October

Luz got up, Camilla getting extremely concerned, "Joey's parents! They want to hang out with him- He's probably stressing out-"

"Wait what?-"

"I'll be quick, they aren't too far from here. Please wait here."



Camilla hesitantly nodded, "Yeah..You come back with them alright?"

Luz agreed, quickly leaving the nice restaurant, rushing down the street, hoping Joey didn't give themselves cat scratches.

To be continued.

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