Fraud. [58]

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Friday, after school. Noah had asked a friend of his who had a friend, who had a friend who knew Luz, to send him Luz's current address. Once he arrived, there was a line. Yeah, a line. In front of Luz's door. "What are you guys doing here?" Noah asked as he approached to join the line.

Amity was first, as per usual, Willow was behind her, then Soup, and Edric. Wait Edric, why are you here!? No, we'll find out soon I guess. "What are you doing here?" Amity hissed.

"Came to ask questions because she obviously knows your better, so I hoped to come by and see if I could surprise you on our next date." Noah replied honestly. "What are your excuses?"

Edric raised his hand, "Ooh me first! Emira said there's this really cute girl here, that's not Luz, and as the best twin, I'm going to try and make her mine!"

Willow glanced back at Amity, the Blight nodding, Willow elbowing his spine roughly, "I'm here because I was invited. She wants me to test a new food she's making." Willow said.

"Helping Viney with her homework-" Soup blurted out, adjusting their glasses.

"Amity?" Noah questioned.

"Not answering."

Willow rolled her eyes, "Luz is going to make something new for herself to wear and Amity wants to be the first to see it." Willow answered.

Amity elbowed Willow, glaring at her. Then everyone perked up when the door unlocked and was opened slightly, a muzzle poking through. Amity pushed it open, Prince's tail beginning to wag swiftly. He barked, turning around, going in to the house, looking back at the others, barking again. "He wants us to follow him." Amity said.

She entered first, taking her jacket and shoes off, putting them by the racks. Everyone did the same, Prince leading them to the kitchen, nudging the chairs. The group sat down, Prince going upstairs for a minute or two before coming down. Viney came behind him, Edric nudging his sister.

Amity elbowed him roughly, "She likes Emira, don't." Amity hissed.

Edric pat her head, "Not for long she won't- Besides we look the same she won't know the difference-"

Viney waved at the group, going to the back door, opening it for Prince. "So," Viney began. "Who's the Emira imposter?"

Edric frowned, "I don't like her anym- ore."

"Good, because she likes Emira." Amity hissed.

Nero hopped on the counter in front of her, Amity scratching his chin, kissing his snout. Nero pulled back in shock, sitting properly, leaning his head to Amity. She kissed his nose one more time, Nero getting up, moving closer, and licking her cheek. "Hey sugar have you seen my book?" Boscha called out as she walked down the hall.

She paused as she saw the new faces, pointing to Edric, "You're a fraud."

"Excuse me?"

"What happened to Viney's girlfriend, what did you do to potato?"

Amity snorted, Willow burrying her face in her palms, disappointed. "I'm going to kill her.."

"Huh? What about me?" Viney asked as she entered the house with Prince.

"There's a fraud. That's not potato." Boscha said, adjusting the sleeves on her jacket.

*Boscha calls Emira potato because of her skin, and yes it is racist, but sometimes potatoes have little hair type things on them and it matches Emira's hair so..Figure that out

Viney waved her off, "If he can pull off a skirt, he's not Emira. Besides, he looks smart even though he definitely isn't!"

Amity slammed her head on the counter, desperately wanting to smack someone so she could stop laughing so hard. "Thank you for that." Edric huffed. "Felt great."

"I found your book!" Luz shouted from upstairs, coming down. "Was on my bed."

Boscha went over to her, taking the book back, "Thanks sugar. I'll be in the guest room if you need anything."

Luz nodded, Boscha going down the hall, waving Willow over before going to her current room. The group looked over at Willow, the human sighing and getting up, going down the hall. "Right, down a taste tester then." Luz mumbled.

"I'll participate!" Amity and Noah exclaimed.

They both looked at eachother, Amity glaring at Noah. Come on you two, you're dating not fighting for Luz's love! But, I do love bidding! Five copper snails says someone else gets LL instead of Noah and Amity!

Please don't take on the bet, I was wrong


Beef stew in a bread bowl. Luz had started it this morning so she had time to make the broth, but got the rest of her ingredients after school. It was now time, to test it.

Amity was patient and waited for it to slightly cool off, Noah, on the other hand, went right for it. He was now three minutes behind because he needed to cool off his tounge. Amity carefully got some of the broth on her spoon, lightly blowing on it and drinking a bit of the broth.

Okay. Still hot, but amazing. "Still love your calzones better." Amity said, grabbing her fork taking some of the beef. "Nothing can beat that in my opinion."

Edric took the beef from Amity's fork, humming in approval, "Great, this is absolutely amazing. I'll eat this, you eat your salads." Edric said, taking the plate, utensils, and water from her.

Amity glared at him, Edric begining his meal, "In preparation, because I knew you would come over today, per usual, I made you calzones." Luz said, going to the oven. "If you want one?"

Noah glanced at Amity, the Blight frantically nodding, "Yes please!"

Viney came over, "Boscha said there was something in there for me..?"

Luz opened the oven, both peeking in. The witch fell silent, the witchling growing weary, "..Viney–"

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BOSCHA!" Viney shouted, rushing to the hall, kicking a door open.

In the oven lays Emira, the baked potato.

                   To be continued.

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