She's got you Luz. [15 part 3]

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"Alright class listen up!" The teacher clapped.

The students all looked up at her; "Is something of importance?" Luz asked.

"It's our turn to do the class challenges, must've been why you didn't see your classmates. I'll go over what you can pick to do." She said, picking up a paper from her desk.

She fixed it a bit, clearing her throat; "Archery. Making 10 bullseye's gets us the automatic win. Math. Solving all the problems before the other team also gets us the win. Same with Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies." The teacher continued. "Then the relay race, but we're postponing it."

"Why's that?" Luz questioned.

"It's far to cold."

"Why not do it inside?"


"If it's not big enough, just add more laps right?"

Mrs.Brown hummed, nodding slowly; "I'll ask. Then..Dear heavens..Flag tag.."

"What's Flag tag-" Luz whispered to her neighbor.

"They'll explain it over there." They whispered back.

"Should I be scared?"

"No no, if you get hurt I'm sure you'll live."

Luz nervously swallowed the lump in her throat, her ears drooping down, this was not like home..


"Alright, anyone know how to fire an arrow?" The supervisor asked, tapping their clipboard.

Luz raised her hand; "I know!"

"Come up then. The other class?"

A buff male raised his hand, coming forward, patting himself down; "I do recall being taught by people who know how to fire at a target.."

"Come on Luz!" Spencer exclaimed. "You can beat him!"

"Yeah! You got this Luz!" The person who sat beside her shouted too.

The witch gave a thumbs up, taking a bow and an arrow, going to the first target with the guy. He got ready, firing first, hitting the second ring. "I doubt you'll-"

Luz fired, dead on. "My mother says the way a male acts is how I'll find out how stuck up he is. Do you shout at your mother?"

He was about to speak, but was beaten to it. "Rhetorical question. I know the answer. Send my regards to your mother, she's dealt with you for quite awhile." Luz hissed, getting another arrow.

She walked passed him, loading the arrow, firing again, dead on. She grabbed a few more arrows, loading up another, firing at the same target, she pushed the arrow down more, cutting through the target, the arrow falling out the other side. "What? Given up so soon?"

He cowered a bit, his classmates cheering him on to beat Luz. He grabbed a few more arrows, loading one up, firing at the one he missed, hitting Luz's arrow, pushing it aside, sinking in with hers. He loaded another one, pushing Luz aside, pushing past her arrow, using another arrow, cutting through the next one.

The boy kept firing, til he made it to the last one, very far back, hitting horribly and making it in to the black rings. Luz continued her process, firing her arrows, getting them dead on, til the last one. She couldn't. She knew she couldn't. If he couldn't make it netheir could she. "Come on Luz!" Skara exclaimed.

"You got this!" Spencer shouted.

"Yeah! We know you can" Another classmate shouted.

"You can do this Luz!" Amity shouted.

The witch deeply inhaled, pulling the arrow back, aiming it at the target, though the shouts were sweet, she's never fired this far. She let the arrow go, hitting the third ring. The male cursed, snapping his bow, throwing it at the ground, stomping off. He had redone his first one, so if she had made it to the black zone, they would have tied and redo the entire thing.

Luz sighed in relief, falling back in the grass, a shadow looming over her, the witch holding her hand up; "So close. So very close."

Amity pulled her up, the witch sighing again; "You did good witchy."

Luz smiled slightly, Amity ruffling her hair; "Come on, math next."

"You're taking this one Blight."

"Meh. Whatever you say. Clawthorne."


"God this is so annoying.." Amity muttered, answering the problem down on the chalkboard, having to find the next one before the other team beat her.

She hated math but was great at it, to easy in her opinion. She solved the next problem, showing her work so she wouldn't mess up, about to press the button, but the other team beat her to it. They smirked victoriously at her, the supervisor coming over.

They examined all of the problems on theirs first, then Amity's, talking with Mrs.Brown and the other teacher. Luz examined the problems too, Amity wondering why she would if the other team obviously won. "Excuse me?"

The older humans looked over at her; "Luz?" Amity questioned quietly.

"This isn't the formula to solve these types of equations.." Luz mumbled. "Though the answers are correct, we don't use this form because it's easier then the one we use now."

The supervisor examined them again, spotting the difference between both opposing teams. "Are you suggesting one of my students knew ahead?" The other teacher hissed.

"If that's what you think I'm saying, then yes." Luz said. "Amity's really smart and knows this stuff, but she still struggled with it. Your student didn't even panic, I feel as though you did plan ahead.."

Amity took Luz's hand, pulling her back a bit; "That's sweet but it's fine if we lost.."

"I know it is, but this time it seems unfair. Amity I know you're really smart, this simpleton couldn't find his shoe if it was on his foot, I know they cheated."

"Cheated? You believe we cheated?" The teacher hissed, grabbing Luz's arm.

They pulled her back; "To think a student like you would be reasonable and take the loss, you should be sent to detention for your behavior." They said bitterly, tightening their grip on her arm.

Luz winced, her ears drooping down, the witch attempting to pull back; "Let me go!"

"I'm taking you to detention, immediately."

The witch bit their hand, the teacher pulling back, Luz rushing back to Amity. She hugged the Blight, letting out a small whine. "She..Bit me.."

"You deserved it in my opinion." Amity hissed, holding Luz close. "She should do it again, let's see if you'll bleed."

"Now now, let's not be to hasty, let's get back to the challenges. We'll count this as a tie, next class please." The supervisor said, cutting in. "We can talk later Luz."

The witch looked back at them, nodding slowly, Amity gently rubbing her back; "It's okay Luz, I got you." The Blight said quietly. "I got you.."

To be continued.

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