The learning begins. [3]

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"This, is a phone. You gave me money to buy you one, so this is all yours." Camilla said, sliding over the rectangular box.

Luz cooed, her ears perking up. She tapped the screen, said screen lighting up. "Oooh~ A phone~ Phoneee~"

Camilla kept herself from laughing, clearing her throat. "This, is a television." Camilla said, sliding over a printout of one.

Luz awhed, examining the printing. "A television..Teleaaaaavissiooonn.."

The human slid over another drawing on paper, Luz taking a look at it. "This is a pride flag."

"Oh oh! Mines is pink, purple, then blue! Which ones yours Ms.Noceda?"

"Mines is two shades of orange, followed by white, and around 4 pinks.."

"The Lesbian pride flag! Wow! My mom has the same one! She'd really like you, humans are interesting creatures." Luz smiled slightly, picking up her phone.

She flipped it over, not wanting the light to spook her if anything popped up. "Right, when you go to school, I'll be at work. I need you teach you how the phone works and give you my number. Prince has to stay here, but he stays to protect the house."

He barked, his tail wagging swiftly. Luz pat his head, Prince's tail picking up the pace. "So where is this school Ms.Noceda? Where am I supposed to go?"

"Well, since school did start about a month ago. They're putting you in two days from now. Until then, you have to get used to our world to fit in."

Luz nodded, getting up from her seat. "Can we start off with the currency first?"


"Thirty-two (32) cents."

Luz took three (3) dimes, and two (2) pennies. "Another way?"

She hummed, taking a quarter, nickel, and two (2) pennies. "Nice! Other way?"

Luz got six (6) nickels, and two (2) pennies. She then put in two (2) dimes, two (2) nickels, and two (2) pennies. "Okay, sevent-eight (78) cents."

The witches ears went down slightly, Luz took three (3) quarters and three (3) pennies. "Fifty-seven(57) cents next."

Two (2) quarters, one (1) nickel, and two (2) pennies. "These are often having two (2) round copper coins Ms.Noceda.."

"Yeah just realized that.. Thirteen fifty-nine (13.59)."

Luz took a ten (10) dollar bill, three (3) dollars, two (2) quarters, one (1) nickel, and four (4) pennies. "Yeah you got it down pretty quickly."

The witches ears perked up, Luz getting giddy. "It's a bit confusing at first, but it's easy once you got the hang of it. Hey, can we go see the school? I want to get used to my new classes."

Camilla nodded, getting up. "It's fairly close, but I have to show you where you have to wait every morning for the bus."

"Bus? Ooh are we going in an egg?"

"It's just a longer and bigger car for other people, no eggs."

Luz ohed, kissing Prince goodbye and grabbing her bag. "Bye Prince, we'll be back later! Protect the house!"

He barked, sitting down and fixing his posture. Camilla grabbed hers and Luz's phone, her bag and keys, then followed the witch out. She closed and locked the door behind herself, leading the way just two blocks down. "Okay, so here's where you wait for a yellow bus at 6:45, 7:10, or 7:35."

Camilla handed Luz her phone, telling her what to do and how time works here. "Ooh~ Okay! Who's my driver?"

"That's what we're going to find out, the schools about a thirty (30) minute walk, but about a ten (10) minute drive away. So let's get going."


The women at the desk went through the basics with Luz, the rules, what classes she'll have, and an elective she can choose. "There's cheer, dance, art, AVID, ASB, choir, and a few others."

Luz ooed, examining the paper. "Hey Ms.Noceda, am I allowed to do Dance?"

Camilla nodded, Luz perking up. The lady circled that option, putting the paper in a folder. "Someone will come by and show you around in a bit, she's a good student."

I was probably supposed to tell you earlier, but today's a Monday. So it's a pretty slow day. Luz looked around the room, some motivational speeches, or some Zarry Otter, or even trophies and pictures of the winners. She liked those the most, she would definitely like to meet these impressive people.

After a few minutes, a girl came over, wearing glasses and her dyed hair in two buns. She had an orange hair ties on, and a cheerful smile. "Willow, can you show her the classes she'll be taking in order? She has 2nd period dance."

"Oh like Gus? Yeah no biggie, thanks." She said, taking the paper. "Right this way! I'll be happy to take you there!"

Camilla gently pushed her forward, Luz fixing her hood and following the human. Willow examined her schedule, the witch having a very familiar schedule. "Close to mine, but I have a different teacher for social studies."

"Social studies? Ooh what's that?"

"Uh..Well it's like facts about the world so we can be more involved in the future. Did you not do that at your other school?"

Luz shook her head. "We learned about the tax fairies, why trolls live under bridges, and so on. We learned potions too, takes elbow strength." Luz shuddered.

"Potions? Oh like medicine?"

"Yeah I guess you can say that." Luz shrugged. "Right, where's my first class?"

"Oh! Language Arts, room 189B. Just this way."

To be continued.

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