Don't. [17]

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The next morning, second period, Dance. "We're doing this again?" Luz asked, having a bad history with this activity.

"Yep yep yep!" The dance teacher exclaimed cheerfully. "They'll be here any second now!"

Right on cue, the door that connects the cheer room, gymnasium, and dance class together, opened. Skara quickly rushed in, looking for Luz, once she spotted her, she swiftly went to her; "Luz! Want to be my partner?"


Amelia pulled her back and away, pulling her close; "She'd like to be my partner. Right Luz?" The greenette smiled, looking down slightly at the witch.

Luz's face heated up, the witch getting very nervous and flustered; "W-Well I ehm-"

She was pulled a new direction, being let go right after. "Let her be, this time she gets to decide without us fighting over her." Amity hissed. "You can go with Porter if you want, we don't mind."

Luz looked up at the Blight, the blush darkening. "O-Oh erm- Th-Thank you Amity.."

"No problem, just don't get stepped on."

The witch nodded slowly, walking away from the trio, going over to Gus, the male not having a partner yet. "Amity what was that!?" Amelia whisper shouted to her.

"Don't force yourself on Luz! She's sensitive! You have no idea what's she's gone through, if you force yourself on her she'll get scared!" Amity whispered back.

"How was I supposed to know!?"

"You ask! Like a decent person!"

"Okay stop whisper shouting, your spits getting on me." The other cheerleader hissed, wiping her face. "Listen. Let's let Luz decide, she'll say she likes one of us eventually." Skara explained. "No forcing yourself on Luz, and we won't hate eachother because we're all falling for the same girl and we're basically simps."

"I'm not falling for her! Skara I'm straight!" Amity hissed.

"Amity, do you listen to Weather Sweater?"


"That's the bisexual anthem. I learned alot from Cat."

"Everyone listens to that song Skara! It's literally playing everywhere!" Amelia barked back. "Go hang out with Cat if she's teaching you so much! Luz is mine!"

"She's not yours! She gets a say in this too!" Amity snarled. "She gets to decide if she wants to hang out with us, talk to us, or anything else. Luz is not to be forced upon, no weird behavior, no odd questions, and no sudden appearances." Amity finalized. "Got it?"

The other two hesitantly agreed, Amity walking away from both, picking a random partner, the duo eventually doing the same.



The Blight looked up from her notes and up at the teacher; "Yes?"

"Can you come send these to the office for me?" Mrs.Brown asked, holding up a stack of papers.

Amity nodded, closing her note book, getting up and going to the teacher; "Will that be all?"


The witch flinched, looking up at the teacher; "Y-Yes ma'am?"

"Would you be so kind and go with Amity in taking the clothing to the lost and found before I forget?" She asked, pointing to the back of the class.

Luz nodded, getting up, quickly asking Spencer if he could take her notes, going to the back. It was a small basket, maybe fourteen (14) inches tall, sixteen (16) inches wide and twelve (12) inches long. The basket was nearly full, lots of jackets, a notebook, a book, and some other things. "That it?" Luz inquired.

"Yes that's it, I'll inform the office staff that you're going."

Amity went to the door, opening it with her side, pushing it open, Luz thanking her and following her out. "I think there's a phone in here." Luz mumbled.

"Do you want to check?" Amity asked, stopping.

"Maybe when we get over there."

The Blight nodded, leading the way to the office, both being lucky enough that someone was there to open it for them. They thanked the student, going in; "I have to go over there, wait here for me okay?"

Luz nodded, Amity going to a different room, the witch putting the basket down. She rummaged around it, till she felt that buzz a phone makes when someone's calling, a ringtone beginning to play. It was the song Hot Cat from Ricky Rat. Luz located the phone, taking it out from the jacket pocket.

She answered the call, putting the phone up against her ear; "Where did you find this phone?"

"I was just taking this to the office to be put in the lost and found, which class do I go to, to return this device?"

"_____. Thanks."

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit!"

They hung up, Luz putting the phone in her pocket, putting the clothing away. After a few minutes, Amity came over, clearing her throat to let Luz know she was there. The witch looked back, picking the basket back up; "I have to go return a phone, do you want to come?"

"Just let me go get my stuff, I go home early today." Amity said, patting her head.

Luz giggled, the interaction making her giddy, Amity smiling slightly; "Dummy.."

To be continued.

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