Flag Tag. [15 part 3.25]

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Spencer took the next one, Science, he loved the subject, of course he'd take it. They didn't win that round because his opponent, was his boyfriend. "I can not believe you won!" Spencer exclaimed.

"I love you too babe~ But I love science more then you do~" His opponent cooed, kissing his forehead.

Spencer crossed his arms, a small frown on his face; "I don't like you anymore."

"I'll take you out tonight, we'll get your favorite~"


"I promise."

"I'm still mad at you for winning."

"I know."

"I won't forget this."

"I know that too."

"You're paying?"

"Yes I am."

Spencer thought about it, holding his arms out, his boyfriend coming closer and hugging him. The class awhed, Luz elbowing Amity, the Blight being a bit hesitant to watch the not straight stuff ensue. "Okay that's enough Alexander, I'm not letting you off the hook that easily."

"Oh, using my full name huh? You really are mad about me winning."

"Kick his butt Spence!" Luz exclaimed.

Her class and the other laughed, a few agreeing with the witch; "How rude, I win for my classmates and they're over here telling my very amazing boyfriend to kick me."

"I'll win next time, I'll beat you at your favorite subject." Spencer hissed.

"I'd like to see you try." Alexander cooed, kissing his cheek.

"Stop trying to sweeten me up, it's not going to work." Spencer muttered, pushing him away. "Go beat some other team before I call your sister."

"My sister? Well aren't I lucky, she's out of town~"

"I'm going to take Bear."

"You're going to kidnap my cat?"

"I'm going to do it. Luz get him out of here." Spencer muttered.

The witch walked to the front, whispering something in Alexander's ear, the human smirking. "Luz, do not fraternize with the enemy."

"Oh she's fine, I'll see you for dinner hun." He winked, patting Luz's shoulder, walking back to his classmates.

"Luz, what did you say to him."

"That's our business not yours." The witch said, going back to Amity.

The Blight was curious, so was everyone else, all expecting her to spill the beans. "Can we just go to the next challenge?" Luz asked nervously, not liking all the eyes on her.

"Alright, stop looking at her creeps." Amity hissed, glaring at the students.

They all looked away, except for the 4 people already crushing on Luz, the witch only knowing about one.


The student who sat beside Luz and fell hard for the witch beat the next challenge, Language Arts. The one after that, Social Studies, a girl named Cat, beat Skara. She didn't like that. She was obsessed with Social Studies, felt like going to Japan for it's natural beauty, but no.

Cat had already gone before her and blabbed about how great it was, Skara making it her new mission to beat the girl in any topic. But, the challenge you've all been waiting for, Flag tag. "So, how do we win exactly?" Luz asked.

"You pull the flag off your opponent, the red team. You can't bite, hit, push, punch, trip, strangle, or touch the other person, just their belt." The supervisor explained

Amity simplified it for the witch, Luz understanding this as Pick the Quills. In Beast Keeping, the Calopus' usually fight with one another, getting quills stuck in the other. So, as a game the students played, you'd have to pick their quills while being chased by the Calopus' who don't want you to touch them. "This still seems difficult.." Luz muttered.

"I won't let anyone get you." Amelia said, patting Luz's head, ruffling her hair.

"Yeah we won't let anyone get you Luz." Skara assured, nudging the witch. "I'll fight for you."

"You two get outta here, gay kid is a the only one I'll trust around Luz now." Amity hissed, shooing them away.

"Amity it's rude to label him like that." Luz muttered, not liking the way she said it.

"I forgot his name..-"

"Ask next time, that was mean."

"Fine fine, sorry. Are we playing or not?"

"Guess so."


Here's the way this was going to go, start off with three from every team, every minute, two people enter the ring from your team, if your flag falls or is pulled off, you're out. You can't cover your waist, hit hands away, or push, only dodge and run. Luz was the first one in, now knowing how to play this game.

It was difficult to understand, but seemed simple enough. You guys know that one short kid, who's always faster then everyone for some odd reason? Yeah, a boy like that entered the ring first with Luz and a few of her classmates.

Cat was one of those on the opposing team, she was the girl that got Luz in trouble with Amity in the beginning of her school year. Then this other boy, he looked nervous, but knew he could beat Luz if he tried. Luz's team consisted of herself, Spencer, and the person who fell for her this very morning.

The ref examined the field, putting a metal piece in their mouth, and blowing on it, making a loud whistling noise. "I call dibs on center!" Luz exclaimed, rushing to the short guy.

He cracked his knuckles, dodging her attempt to grab his flag belt, trying to go for hers. Spencer moved aside from the male who was going to go for Luz, but did not get to go for her. He reached for his flag, but the male reached for his, both just circling one another. The other person, who wanted to impress Luz, failed miserably.

Cat was quick on her feet, very quick, in one move she pulled their flag off, then attempting to go for Luz. She was spotted, Luz pulling off the short kids flag, moving aside, Cat bunking in to the short kid. Luz was going to take her flag, but the other kid nearly pulled hers off. "Sorry Luz!" Spencer shouted, his flag in his right hand.

"Crudlesticks.." Luz muttered, taking small steps back.

Cat reached for her belt, the witch quickly dodging it, snatching the males flag who took Spencer's, dropping it on the ground. The whistle blew, Skara coming over, Cat deciding to go for her instead, Amelia snatching the next persons flag who tried to take Luz's. "Alright this is getting harder." Luz mumbled.

"Wait till the next round, not only is it the last, but it's everyone in." Amelia sighed.

"Oh Titan.."

To be continued.

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