The assembly. [6 part 2]

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Last 2 on the list, herself, and Amity. She sighed heavily, knocking on the class door. If she was down on her luck, it would be an understatement. "Oh the nerd I'm bullying. What do you want?"

"A-Assembly..Bracelet you get.." Luz mumbled, offering the two remaining colors to her.

"I know about that idiot, I'm in the assembly." She hissed.

Luz's ears went down slightly, Luz cowering just a bit. Amity snatched the pink one, being unable to put it on. Luz took her hand, and the clip on bracelet, putting it on for her. Luz walked off, Amity feeling the bracelet uneasily. "Idiot.."


The assembly was either the best or worst thing that happened to her, Luz chose to believe it was just a thing that happened to her. The cheer team was there, giving them a small show before the awards ceremony started. Most of the boys were huge perverts though, most of them watching Amity.

She had to use a spare cheer costume as hers was being redesigned as it became incompetent in her opinion. But this one was smaller and revealed some of her..Features. Luz took off her jacket as Amity came back up to the stands to sit, Luz stopping her. "What?" She asked bitterly.

Luz handed Amity her jacket, the human wondering why the heck she would. "They're looking at you..And not the way you'd like them to.." Luz mumbled, looking over at the boys.

They were winking at her, sending kisses to the cheer captain. Amity put it on, the warmth still lingering in her jacket. Luz zipped it up for her, the human humming quietly at the interaction. "If you want me to walk you to class after, I can, just watch out for them for now okay?"

Amity nodded slowly, going to her earlier seat with Skara. Who surprisingly was not getting an award, she just came because Amity forced them to allow her in, and because she was on the cheer team. Soon enough, the awards ceremony was starting. Luz was the first to go down, not at all liking the idea.

She couldn't watch the boys, they'd probably move over and flirt with the captain. She gratefully took the award(s) having to show it (them) off. Kindness, integrity, selfness, optimism, and perseverance. She did these on a daily basis, she didn't do it for herself though.

Luz is always like this. Next came that Mark boy, then a few others, and oh boy this got boring quick. Let's skip to the interesting part, which is like not even 2 minutes later. They were told they were allowed to go back to sit, but not Luz. "Wha- Why not..?"

"You're getting more awards kid."

Luz whimpered quietly, looking up at Amity. The captain was covering her ears to block out the flirts thrown her way. Skara was of no help as she was forced to leave for already hitting someone really hard on their nose. "Can someone stand by me then..?"

"I don't see why not." He shrugged. "Who-"

Luz was already on the 10th step up, going over to Amity. She took the humans hand off her ear, dragging her away from those perverts. "Just stand by me till I'm allowed to sit. They're obviously bothering you and you already seem over it." Luz hissed in an angry tone, interlocking their fingers.

Amity blushed a bit, using her other hand to cover her face in the fluffy collar. Luz apologized to the award giver for leaving in the middle of their conversation, still holding on to Amity's hand. "It's alright."

"Is it okay for her to be here with me? I just don't want to leave her alone at the moment.."

"She's a Blight, she can handle anything. But since you asked I'll allow it, and she's getting an award anyways."

Luz thanked him once more, tightening her grip on the cheer captains hand.


Luz glared at the boys, all of them nervously looking away. Amity tugged at her sleeve, Luz looking back at her. The boys sent more kisses to the cheer captain, Amity continuing to tug at Luz's sleeve. The witch got back down beside her, facing the opposite way of how benches were supposed to work.

Amity shivered a bit, Luz frowning slightly. Luz moved Amity's hair back, fixing the collar around her neck and fluffing it up a bit. Amity relaxed, Luz patting her head. She continued to glare at the boys, one of them glaring right back.

Luz stuck her tounge out, the male making a rude face back at her. Amity tugged at Luz's sleeve again, Luz pulling her tounge back. She looked to her right again, Amity tugging at her sleeve again. "What is it? Are you okay?"

Amity nervously looked to her left and down by her knee, Luz looking there too. She got up, pushing the boy away from the captain. "Get your paws off her!" She hissed. "Why didn't you say something? Are you okay? Did he touch you anywhere else?"

The human shook her head slowly, moving closer to Luz's seat. The witch crouched down behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist. She glared at the boy who so wrongly touched a girl, holding on to Amity tightly. "You keep your distance or I will bite! And I have sharp teeth!" Luz hissed.

He stuck his tongue out, going back up with his buddies. Luz let Amity go, sitting in the humans spot and facing the boys. Camilla taught her a few human things, things she shouldn't do to others but if they do it to her she can do it back.

One of them flipped her off, Luz snarling quietly. Amity tugged at her sleeve, Luz perking up and seeing if anyone was touching her or not. "What is it?"

"We gotta go.." Amity mumbled, pointing towards the principal.

He bowed and wrapped up the mic. Luz took Amity's hand, helping her up and out of the gymnasium. They met Skara outside, the girl having a small slip. "My mom's coming to pick me up cause I actually broke his nose. So I'm suspended till after the field trip."

Amity frowned a bit, about to unzip the jacket, before Luz stopped her. The boys walked past, sending kisses to the captain. Luz stood in front of her defensively, her ears going down slightly. "Back. Off."

One stopped, the others going to their next class. Luz glared at him, the male going stiff for a second before rushing after his friends. Luz huffed, Skara giving her a gentle nudge. "Right, so you'll have to pick a new partner to go with Amity." Skara said, patting her shoulder.

Amity nodded, giving a small shrug. "It might be boring anyways."

"Yeah but you know your parents want you to go.." Skara mumbled.

Amity felt the zipper of Luz's jacket, which was really warm in the inside. A car pulled up, Skara's mom waving her over. "Sorry Amity, I'll see you tomorrow for the sleepover." She waved, getting in the car, her bag already in there for some reason.

She waved goodbye, her mom driving off. Luz gently pushed Amity forward, taking a few steps ahead. "Come on, don't want to be late for the next class."

To be continued.

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