Stop the Prince bullies. [40 part 2]

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I            (This stupid episode!!)
Venom had washed the dishes, using the forest to get back to Luz's house, having found a little gate for him now. He unlocked it from his side, peeking in, Prince jumping around, trying to catch a butterfly. "I suggest you leave it alone." Venom muttered, entering the backyard, closing his new gate.

Prince looked over, trotting towards the familiar, "Venom right?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"We had made a bet on who Luz would fall in love with, but you gotta ask her if you can bet on someone." Prince barked, going to the back door now. "Come! She's making lunch."

Venom walked over, patting himself down, opening the door for Prince, entering with the mutt. "Hey Luz! Is it okay if I tell Venom about the bet?" Prince barked.

The witch looked over, nodding, "It's fine, just don't try anything funny okay?"

Prince barked, looking back at Venom, then led the way to his and Nero's shared room, Mattias currently cleaning up the room a bit, Nero helping him out. "Afternoon." Mattias barked, picking up a toy, returning it to the box.

Nero closed it, sitting on top of it, licking his paw, "Are we going to speak of the bet?" Mattias asked, looking back at the newcomer.

"Luz said it was okay, just no funny business!"

"Then stop clowning around Prince.." Nero thought to himself.

"I heard what you thought Nero!" Luz shouted.

"No you didn't!" He hissed.

"Don't be mean to Prince!"

"Prince is it okay if I bully you?" Nero meowed flat out.

"Sure!" Prince barked. "I have no idea what that means." He barked quietly to Mattias.

The other dog rolled his eyes, shaking his head slowly, "There goes any hope for you Prince.."

"Hey I'm Prince!" He yipped. "What are we talking about again?"


Venom watched as Luz set bowls up for the pets, including him, but his was on a plate, "Want to come up here and eat with me?" Luz asked.

The familiar nodded slowly, pulling a chair out for himself, Luz placing the plate in front of his spot, Venom carefully getting on the chair. Luz pushed him in a bit, the familiar looking up at Luz with a small smile. "Thanks Luz.."

"Whatever you feel comfortable with Venom, you can tell me what you want and how you want it. Now then, let's eat!"

Later on, Amity had come over, just wanting to show the others how the crow was doing, Prince still mad at it. "You stole my Amity." Prince snarled.

It glared at him, nudging Amity, preening her hair, "He's such a clingy bird, he just wants to preen my hair and get chest scratches." The human muttered.

He chirped, Prince barking up at him, "That's my human! You get off her right now!" Prince barked.

"Prince she's not your human! You can't bark things like that!" Luz exclaimed, pulling him back.

He growled, the crow puffing his chest out, continuing to preen Amity. Prince's ears fell back, the mutt looking away, his tail drooping down, Prince gloomily walking back to his room. He plopped down on a pillow, his tail curling up by his side. The crow flew over to the door, carefully closing it, cautiously flying back to Amity.

Luz glared at the crow, Mattias also beginning to hate him, "Bad birdie!" Luz huffed, that being the only offensive thing she could say to it.

Mattias got on his hind legs, putting his front paws on Luz's shoulders, resting his head on top of hers, "I'll eat you in an instant. Leave Prince alone." Mattias snarled.

The crow rolled his eyes, cawing quietly, "C-Coward!"

Mattias pulled back, nudging Amity roughly, the human stumbling back a bit. Mattias continued to push Amity to the door, growling up at her, "So now I'm getting kicked out because of the crow?"

"Coward! Coward!" The crow screeched, flapping his wings.

Mattias barked over at Luz, Venom nodding, agreeing with what he barked, "I'm not doing that." Luz stated.

"Amity was it? Right. Either the crow goes, or you both do." Venom hissed.

"Venom! That's a mean thing to say!" Luz huffed.

"She's letting her bird call Mattias a coward, he even closed the door on Prince! Luz, she's a toxic person."

The witch looked over at Amity, "She's a human–"

Venom facepalmed, "She's a bad person to be around!"

"Am not!" Amity shouted.

The crow bounced his head up and down, squawking to himself, "Toxic! Toxic! Craw! Toxxxxic!"

Amity opened the door, taking the crow off her shoulder, putting him on the doorstep, and slamming the door on him. "Right, Nerdflix?" Amity asked, clasping her hands together.


Netflix and cuddle apparently. Amity and Luz weren't watching the movie, only the pets were. Luz nuzzled in to Amity's shoulder, the human moving her hair back. "Does it still hurt?" Amity asked, signaling to the mark near Luz's chest.

The witch shook her head slowly, "It's just a wound now..Doesn't hurt.."

Amity caressed Luz's cheek, the witch leaning in to her palm, purring quietly. "Know how loud you can purr Luz?" Amity questioned.


Luz wrapped her arms around Amity's neck, pulling herself up a bit, resting her head on Amity's shoulder, the human blushing a bit. 'She is just a friend, right..?'

                     To be continued.

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