The spoiled dog.[11 part 2]

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"Amity~ Wake up~" Luz cooed, poking her forehead.

The human groaned quietly, pushing Luz's hand away gently. "Stop.."

"Lunch is ready~" Luz said in a sweet tone.

The human groaned, opening her eyes groggily. "What'd you bring.."

"Make. I made lunch."

"Then what'd you make.."

"Is that supposed to be a question?"


"Clawthorne." Luz muttered under her breath. "Just come eat, Prince is almost done with his meal and he'll come for yours next."

Amity grumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Luz took her hand, pulling her out of bed. "It'll get cold come on!"

"Ugh..Coming.." Amity mumbled, steadying herself and following the witch downstairs.

Luz took her to the new dining table, making the human sit beside her. "Still tired?"

Amity slammed her head on the table, letting out a sigh. Luz moved her plate aside a bit, patting the humans back. "I believe you'll be alright." Luz said.

The witch looked over at Prince, the dog coming over to scope out their meals. "Nu-Uh, you're not getting any of my food." Luz hissed.

He glared at her, putting his paws on the table and looking at her food. His tail wagged, the mutt leaning in to take a bite out of her- "My Calzone!" Luz squawked, picking up her plate, out of his reach.

Amity looked over at them, Prince just wanting a little nibble, maybe the whole thing if Luz was nice enough. "I made it! I get to eat it!"

He barked, arguing with the witch. "I don't care if you're still hungry, I gave you an extra cup of kibble for that specific reason. You used this excuse awhile ago!"

"Are you talking to the non-verbal dog?"

"I speak dog."

"You have a wild imagination."

Prince barked, nudging Luz's thigh. "I can give you that, that I'll do." The witch said, placing her plate back on the table.

She got up, Prince following her to the fridge. "Swiss?"

He barked, shaking his head. "Don't think we have that."

Prince frowned, letting out a mixture of a whine and huff. "We'll go to the store later and get some, don't give me that attitude." Luz snit. "I'll tell Camilla and she'll take away your toys and bed privileges."

He shook his head violently, hugging her foot and letting out whines and a few barks. "Thank you. Now which one do you want?"

He let out a quiet yip, Luz opening a string cheese packet and peeling one out of it's casing. "I'm only giving you one."

Prince gave a questioning whine, tilting his head to the side. "You've been a bad dog that's why." Luz said, taunting him with the cheese.

He got some in his mouth before he broke through it and nearly bit Luz's fingers when he chomped the rest of it. "You're just like Barcus." Luz muttered, putting the rest of the string cheese away.

She closed the fridge, going back to her seat and sitting down. She heard claws clanking on the floor beside her, Luz sighing heavily. "Prince. I will not allow you to eat my cheesy food. I made it, I deserve to eat it." Luz spat, glaring at the dog by her feet.

He growled, rolling his eyes and heading to his room, closing the door with his hind legs behind himself. Amity honestly wanted the fight to go on, she had a warm calzone to eat while watching the show. She took another bite, not allowing herself to make a cheese string.

Luz huffed, her ears drooping down as she ate hastily in an angry way. "You'll bite your tongue, calm down." Amity said, munching on her calzone.

The witch let out a snarl, a red puff of smoke surrounding her. Amity shot up, backing up slowly. The wolf dog paced around the kitchen, letting out snarls and quiet barks. "N-Noceda..?"

They perked up, looking over at her. Their eyes were yellow, their fur all black except for a white heart behind their ear. The creature went over to the human, sniffing her out. Amity whimpered, her back pressing against the wall. The wolf like dog pushed her towards the stairs, suggesting she go up.

Amity went up the stairs, the creature following close behind. "I-In here..?"

They nodded, Amity going back in to Luz's room. The door was closed behind her, the human glad the animal didn't take a bite out of her. Now she had to make sure they couldn't sniff the fear in her.


The door creaked open about 20 minutes later, Amity looking up from the magazine she found in the bookshelf Luz had. The creature came in, closing the door behind themselves and going over to the human who was on the bed.

They came over, getting on the bed and curling up beside her. "S-So..Are you Luz..?"

Her tail wagged slowly, Amity relaxing and putting her right hand on their head. "Thanks for lunch.."

She moved her head in to her lap, getting comfortable. "Now it's your turn to nap..Might not be here when you wake up so don't worry if you're alone with the dog.."

They pushed Amity down, the human dropping her magazine on the ground. Luz, as we figured out, got on top of Amity, resting her head on her chest. "You're heavy- Get off-"

Luz got up, nudging Amity's hand. The human put her hand on her back, Luz falling to the side and nuzzling the human. "Hug. You wanted a hug."

She let out a whine, her tail wagging swiftly. "I hate you.."

Luz nuzzled her, putting her paw over Amity's side. "Nu-Uh, you're not keeping me here."

She whimpered, giving her puppy eyes. "No, I have to leave later."

The wolf dog whined, her ears falling back. "20 minutes. All I'm giving you. No more." Amity muttered, moving her fur back.

Luz nuzzled in to her pillow, her tail thumping on the bed lightly. Amity sighed, relaxing a bit more and slowly dozing back off..

To be continued

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