Gaybies. [43]

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Zach had a great time with Luz, he would definitely hang out with her again. But today's Friday, it's been four (4) days since Noah made it his mission to get rid of Luz and over a month since I've written about my gaybies. Alex, and Spencer.

"WOOO! GO BABE!!" Spencer exclaimed, cupping his mouth to make himself sound louder.

Alex panted, rolling his eyes to avert the smile spreading on his lips as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, boy was he sweating. It's autumn, but it gets so flipping HOT! The ball was kicked to him, Alex kicking it up in the air to avoid the opposing team. He ducked, the other three in red hitting eachothers head, all falling back. Alex let the ball hit his chest, letting it roll down his leg before he kicked it to his teammate.

Before they were ganged up on, they hit it to the goal, the goalie just barely, just an inch away, just missing it. It hit the net, the blue and gold side of viewers cheering. It wasn't many, just those who were free at school and those who wanted to watch. Alex sighed heavily, a whistle blowing, "That's game!"

Everyone congratulated eachother, Alex going to the stands, Spencer right above him, "So? How was I?" Alex asked, climbing up the wall to the railing.

Spencer wiped Alex's face with a towel, smiling softly to hid totally righteous boyfriend, "You were amazing, Alex."

"Awh, you love me. Admit it."

Spencer scoffed, "Alex, we've been dating for two years. Ya dingus, of course I love you."

"Then can I get a kiss?~"

"Ew no, you're all sweaty." Spencer laughed, pushing him back gently.

Alex pouted, "You just said you loved me-"

"And I do, but I don't want a sweaty boyfriend."

Alex took the towel, wiping his face, "How about now?"


The bell rang, Spencer smirking and pulling back, "I have to get to class, you took too long. I'll see you for lunch Babe."

Alex whined, Spencer kissing his cheek, Alex freezing in his place, "Hey Picket!" Spencer shouted from below. "Come catch my boyfriend!"

The other male quickly rushed over, Alex still not at all used to being kissed. He fell back, his teammate catching him, then dropping him in the grass, "Thanks Logan." Spencer waved.

"Eh, no worries. Just get me a candy for lunch or something." He waved Spencer off.

Spencer walked towards the school, taking a right turn, then stopping, turning back and just deciding to take the long way. For no apparent reason of course- "Hey! Kyle!" A girl shouted, coming over.

"My name is Spencer." He muttered, pausing in his tracks.

She poked his chest, pushing him back a bit, "Listen, just because you hang out with Alexander doesn't mean he likes you."

He scoffed, "Hunny, I'm his boyfriend, we've had this talk a hundred times."

"Alex is just using you! He's not gay!"

Spencer snorted, "You should see his room."

She shushed him, "Alex doesn't want anything to do with you gays, he's taking pitty on you." She hissed. "You're a -Gay curse slur-, and all of you -Gay curse slur- can go jump off a cliff. None of us want you here!"

Spencer looked away, not wanting to engage, spotting someone, very glad she was over here. She approached, the girl looking over at the newcomer, gasping, "Luz- Oh- H-Hey-" She blushed, averting eye contact.

"What was I again?" Spencer asked.

She glared at him, "This isn't over -Gay curse slur-." She whispered to him, stomping off.

Spencer rolled his eyes, looking down at Luz slightly, "Hey Spence! Been awhile, how have you and Alex been?" Luz smiled.

"We've been going out on more dates, he still gets nervous when I kiss him. He's so cute."

Luz nudged him, Spencer snickering as they both began to make their way to their science class. The late bell rang, both arriving just a minute late, but someone else was too. "Amity?"

The human looked up, smiling up at Luz, "Took you long enough, come on, we're switching seats today." Amity said, then waved at Spencer. "How are you and Alex doing? Heard he fell down, he okay?"

Spencer snickered, "He wasn't hurt, he's perfectly fine." He laughed, opening the door. "Well then, ladies first.

Luz entered, then Amity, then Spencer, the teacher having already begun the seat assignments. "Oh, Luz, you're sitting with Spencer, Spencer you're by Amity, and Amity, you're by Carl. Carl, raise your hand."

It was the weird kid. The weird kid. Even Luz didn't like him, he was a pervert. He breathed heavily in front of girls, having braces, and crazy unclean hair. He raised his hand, Amity hesitantly going over to sit by him. He smiled at her, breathing quietly but heavily, "You won't regret this blessing.."

Oh god..

To be continued.

Stay up gosh darn it!!

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