Clingy or needy. [21 part 3.25]

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Luz had just done her chores, done the laundry, (which was rather hard since the noise spooks her), washed the leftover dishes, cleaned out the fridge, mostly taking out the expired stuff which wasn't alot, and cleaning the rooms. She dusted everything off, needing to clean the guest bedroom next.

She noticed the door was locked, the witch going downstairs, finding the key for it, then going back up, unlocking the door. "BWAH-" Luz yelped, falling back, covering her face.




Amity helped the witch up, Luz trembling, her heart racing. "Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to shout..I got spooked.."

The witch held on to her tightly, steadying her breathing, recalling a similar experience to this. "It's fine it's fine.."

"You freed me, the cat was getting really annoying." Amity mumbled, looking down at Nero.

He exited the room, hissing at her before heading downstairs, Prince barking. "Oh hey! I didn't even realize you were gone!" He yipped.

Luz nuzzled in to Amity's chest, the Blight tensing up, gently pushing the witch away. "Haha..Uhm..I should get home before my parents start to ehm.. Worry.."

The Noceda nodded slowly, her ears drooping down, the witch pulling back, her heart pounding in her chest. "Alright fine- Only one (1) minute-" Amity agreed, holding her arms out.

Luz quickly hugged the human, shaking slightly as she tried to calm down before her time was up. Amity rubbed her back, the witch nuzzling in to her chest, purring quietly. One (1) minute turned to two (2), two (,2) turned in to three (3), and three (3) turned in to four (4). Amity knew it was time to let go when she felt Luz relax.

The human gently pushed her away, the witch hugging her again, not wanting her to leave. "Luz..I have to go home.."

The witch stayed silent, hesitantly letting her go. Amity ruffled her hair, going back in the room, taking her things, then going downstairs, eventually leaving. Luz sighed, gently slapping herself; "Stop being clingy..I have to go home eventually and I won't see her ever again.."

Luz sighed, entering the room Amity exited, having to clean the room.


Amelia called Luz awhile ago, both still on the phone; "Then she found out, which was a rather funny experience."

"I had a familiar encounter with my old friends, instead of it being a cake, it was a blueberry pie. Her hair was stained for quite some time." Luz giggled.

Nero mewed in to the phone, wanting to know more about Amelia while Prince pouted in front of the washer, watching the covers of Amity's guest bed move around with bubbles. He let out a huff, laying down in front of it, internally crying. "Forgot you had a cat, what was his name again? Nero?"

The kitten mewed, nuzzling the phone; "Yeah, I think he wants to meet you. Won't stop nuzzling the phone."

"Then would you like me to come over?"

Nero nodded furiously, mewing in to the phone; "That would be nice, would you like to come over?"

"Yeah I'm free, I'll be over in a bit, see you then Luz."

"See you then."

Amelia hung up, Luz panicking the second she stopped hearing Amelia's voice. "AMELIA IS COMING OVER- PRINCE THE HUMAN I'M POSSIBLY FALLING FOR IS COMING OVER-"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" He barked aggressively, banging his head on the window like part of the washer.

"Prince don't do that!" Luz exclaimed, grabbing his back legs, dragging him back.

He snarled, getting back up, pawing at the washer, letting out whines. "I want Amity back! Let her come back! I want her here!"

"Why? This is more important! I don't know if Amelia likes me!"

"Yeah Prince! They could kiss!" Nero mewed, Luz only knowing yeah, they, could and kiss.

"Wh-Wha- N-Nero me and Amelia won't kiss!-"

"It could happen!" He mewed, Luz understanding every word.

"No it couldn't! You better not do anything!"

"But you like her don't you? Go out on a date! Hang out!" He mewed, Luz only understanding the second (2nd) sentence.

Prince barked at Nero, nudging him roughly. "You know it's wrong to interfere with Luz's own life. Back down cat."

Nero cowered, his ears falling back, the kitten nodding slowly. "No barking please, come on, I need to calm down-" Luz sighed sharply, getting nervous by the second.


Introductions were over and done with, Nero very much liking Amelia. She gave good scratches, nice pets, and was very sweet to Luz. They were up in her room, both on separate beanbags, watching a movie, Amelia cuddling with Nero.

Prince let out a small whine, getting up and placing his head on Luz's thigh. "What's up?"

He glanced at Amelia, letting out another whine. "She smells off.."

Luz moved his fur back, wanting the dog to continue barking. "She kinda smells like blood but Camilla says it's natural. I just..Don't trust-y her.."


"She's sweet, really sweet! But..She.. She gives me weird feelings in my tummy tum.."

Luz scratched behind his ear, the dog letting out another whine. "It's probably just a small feeling, just be careful around her witchy..And like you told me..Try to keep you from getting in a earth relationship.."

"Thanks Prince.." Luz smiled, patting his head.

He nuzzled in to her palm, his tail wagging swiftly. "I'll watch you be you. I don't care who you like, as long as you stay here with me and mom til you go home."

Luz kissed his head, Prince jumping up in the beanbag with her, curling up by her side. "Love you witch."

"Love you dog."

To be continued.

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