The sleepover part 4. [14 part 4.25]

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"AMITY WATCH OUT-" Luz shouted, placing down multiple blocks.

"GUS WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING MOVE-" Amity exclaimed, firing arrows at her opponent.



Gator howled, wanting to join the commotion, Nero covering his ears to hopefully block them all out. "Hey kids! Please quiet down! We're trying to read!" Mister.Park called out from downstairs.

"S-Sorry!" Luz called back. "Amity I'm going to give you an explosive arrow, fire it by me feet!"

"You'll die!"

"Just do it gosh darn it!" Luz huffed, giving her an arrow.

Amity winced, firing it by Luz's player, her character flying up, Luz landing on the roof of a building, firing at her opponents with flaming balls. "Willow, give Gus something to help with the potion, Amity cover the base again before they come back."

The Blight bought more wool and stone, covering the treasure, Willow splashing another potion on Gus, Luz following the bridge and heading to her opponents base. "Willow if you can, catch up to me and be my distraction while I break in."

"Way ahead of you." She said, using a teleportation object, landing right in front of Luz.

The witch crouched, sneaking over while Willow hit them all, catching their attention, making them follow her. Luz broke in their base, finding their treasure, and breaking it, quickly leaving with Willow. "Alright you two better move." Amity said, her player getting ready to fire.

Gus built a wall, covering Willow, himself, and Luz's player, Amity firing her arrow, an explosion ensuing, the opposing team falling in to the abyss. A medal appeared on their screen, saying number one, the squad winning the game. "Woo!" Luz cheered.

Amity nudged her, showing her the new screen that popped up; "How'd you level up more then I did? I killed more people!"

"Boosters. Now I can get the otter and you can't." Amity said smugly, sticking her tounge out.

"No Amity!~~ Don't buy it! It's the last one till next month! And my collection is almost done! This is the last one I need! Then I can get the mega otter!" Luz whined.

The human bought it in Luz's face, the witch pouting in defeat, her forehead on Amity's shoulder. 'Ding!' The witch glanced at her phone, letting out a gasp, Amity elbowing her; "Now show me the mega otter, I'm curious."

"Gus did the same challenge but for dragons, which color are you going to choose?" Willow asked.

"I dunno, one of them can get me all of the mega otters but no one's ever gotten it before." Luz frowned.

Nero came over, getting in her lap, then up to her shoulder, glaring at Amity, letting out a quiet hiss. "Back off Blondie."

Gator barked, Nero going stiff; "Nero called Amity a female dog!"

"I DID NOT! I WILL RIP YOUR EYES OUT AND EAT THEM IN FRONT OF YOUR OWNER!!" Nero yowled, his fur standing on end, his claws digging in to Luz's shoulder.

"Nero claws!" Luz hissed.

He retracted them, nuzzling her cheek, mewing quietly a billion times, saying sorry over and over again. Luz picked him up, placing him on her lap, moving her shirt down a bit. It was bleeding, not a lot, but also not a little. "Are you going to..?"

"No..You won't be able to call Boscha if I do..Willow do you have any bandaids?"

"Hm? Yeah in the restroom, second cabinet."

Luz felt her side; "Amity can you help me out?"

"Oh- For that- Yeah I'll help."

They both got up, Luz grabbing a roll of gauze from her bag, unraveling it a bit before going in the bathroom. Amity went in with her, closing the door a bit since Gus is a guy, Luz taking off her shirt, having to change out the gauze from her wound, Amity knowing very well it was her fault she didn't get to know Luz alot sooner, having sent her friends to bully her just a week prior, hurting the witch.


They watched another movie, Amity, Willow, and Gus wanting to watch another scary movie, Luz, Gator, and Nero wanting to watch something like Frosted 2. They called her a kid, the witch being a bit hurt by it as she didn't have a very normal childhood, deciding to sit this one out.

She cuddled with Gator, Nero curled up in a bagel just above Luz's head, the dog being right beside her, curled up part way but both facing the same direction. The witch dozed off with the two other animals, Amity having the option to sleep beside Luz or by Gus, etheir way she'd still be by Luz, just not as close.

She pat Luz's head, drinking some of her iced coffee like the barbie she is, continuing to watch the brutal movie. "OH MY GOD- THAT'S SO MUCH BLOOD-" Gus shouted.

Luz flinched, her ears drooping down, the witch nuzzling in to Gator's back. "Quiet.." She mumbled.

Amity cupped her cheek, gently caressing it, Luz purring silently, her ears relaxing. "Stay quiet, you'll wake her up." Amity said.

"Sorry sorry, this is just so cool!" Gus awhed, another gorey scene popping up.

A scream ensued on the screen, Luz cowering pushing Amity's hand away, not wanting the human to touch her anymore. "Willow, put the volume down."

The human picked up the remote, lowering the sound. Nero yawned, flipping over, his tail gently hitting Luz's nose, the witch letting out a kitten sneeze. Gator sat up, letting out a questioning whine, Luz wiping her nose; "Fluffy.."

"Awh!~ Witchy has a kitty sneeze!~" Gator barked, licking Luz's cheek. "Do it again!"

Luz pushed him away, wiping the dog slobber off, transferring it to his fur. "Gator cut it out." Amity huffed, moving him aside. "Can I continue or not?"


"Why not?"

"Because no."

"Alright..No's technically an answer." Amity shrugged, placing her hand on Nero's back.

She scratched behind his ear, the kitten purring quietly, till he realized it was Amity. He pushed her hand away, hissing. "Don't be such a sour puss." Amity said, scratching his chin.

He bit her finger, growling; "Gator, be a good boy and get the rodent." Amity sneered.

Gator got up, taking Nero by his tail, picking him up, the kitten releasing Amity, trying to get Gator away. "The dog, or me." Amity threatend.

Nero reached for Amity, mewing in a panicked manor. The human took him from Gator, rubbing his ears, moving so her back would be up against the wall, continuing to watch the movie. "You'll get scared, stop watching it Luz."

The witch burried her face in her sleeping bag, her ears drooping down; "I want to watch a movie but you guys won't let me pick." Luz said, her voice muffled.

Amity took her phone out, unlocking it and handing it to Luz; "Pick one, I'll watch it with you."

To be continued.

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