Role change. [41 part 3]

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Luz went back out with Prince, both checking around for the other being that supposedly fell out of the tear. Luz whistled, having told her friends that if they were ever lost, they'd chirp back. Luz looked around, whistling again, guiding Prince to go deeper in to the forest. The stallion sniffed at the ground, trotting deeper and deeper in to the woods.

The witch whistled again, taking her beanie off to hear any sound possible. She pat Prince's side, the stallion stopping, his ears perking up, scanning the area. Luz whistled, her ears perking up. A far off twig snapped, Prince following the sound, picking up the pace, a small clearing available for him to rest in real quick.

He layed down, Luz getting off, Prince shaking his head, "Just a quick small break.." Prince huffed.

"It's okay, I'll go check the area." Luz pat his head, walking towards the trees.

She whistled, going past the trees, just circling where they were resting. Her ears perked up as she heard a very faint whine, the witch looking to her right, going to the pile of leaves, moving them around. She sighed quietly, "Just a part enfield.."

The fox whimpered, their back paws covered in blood. Luz carefully picked it up, returning to Prince, the stallion just stretching out. He went over to Luz, letting her get back on, "Come on, back home..Let's just hope it was a false alarm.."

Prince looked up at the sky, recalling where the sun was, and heading in the opposite direction of the now setting sun. He ran all the way back home, using the new back gate to get in, turning back to a measly dog. Luz adjusted how she held the fox, walking to the door, opening it.

She walked in, Prince following close by, Luz closing and locking the door, walking to the group, "Just a fox.."

Gus looked up from his meal, slurping down the broth, leaving his meat behind as he'd eat it last. The fox looked over, whimpering quietly, Luz walking towards the staircase, "I'll be right back, you guys can eat if you're hungry."

They all said okay, Mattias coming out of the pets room, stretching out, pretty suprised Ay hasn't returned for him yet. He was getting pretty worried actually. Nero got on Mattias' back, taking his little hat off, "Come on, Luz brought something inside." Nero mewed.

Mattias sniffed the air, going upstairs, Luz having gone to the downstairs restroom. "Someone's here." Mattias snarled, sniffing the ground.

He went in to Luz's room, spotting Viney, the witch drinking her tea and reading a book, Luz having gotten her another cup and a book before leaving earlier. "Who are you?" Nero hissed.

Viney pat the bed, not looking up from her book, already getting to an interesting part. Mattias walked over, letting Nero get on the bed, "I'm Viney." The witch answered, turning the page in her book. "You?"

"You're a witch." Mattias barked.


Mattias huffed, "Rude..I'm The Mattias Wolkerson the Second. This is Nero."

Viney drank more of her tea, placing the cup down, holding her hand out, a sugar packet dropping in to her palm. "Interesting." Viney opened up the packet, pouring the sugar in her tea. "Did Luz find anyone?"

Nero shook his head, lifting his paw up, licking it to wipe his muzzle, "She brought a fox in apparently." Mattias said, sniffing the air. "Lots of blood."

"Well, that's my department. I'm in healing and Beast Keeping." Viney carefully pulled away from her table desk thing, putting her tea and book down.

She went to the door, then downstairs and to the bathroom Luz was in, the witch currently wrapping it's leg in gauze. "Need any help from the healing witch?"

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