The perv. [16 part 2]

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School was great, the work was easy, and they were all walking to Luz's favorite store. The cute bell above the door chimed, a male scurrying to come over; "Luz!"

"Joey!!" The witch exclaimed, hugging the male.

He hugged her back tightly, pulling down his sleeves a bit, Luz taking his hand. "Etheir you're itchy or have been doing bad things to yourself." Luz pouted. "But, it has been a long time since you have. So I'm glad you made it this far."

He nodded, patting her shoulder; "I go on a call with my therapist later anyways, you keep me going." He smiled.

"Oh! I brought you something!"

"You know you don't have to." Joey mumbled. "Hello other people who have decided to add more anxiety to my day-"

Amity waved, Gus smiling at him, Willow giving him a small nod, acknowledging that she knew he talked to her. Luz took the thing out from her bag, another small bag, handing it to Joey; "You mentioned one time you really liked these but couldn't find anymore, soo..I made some!"

He opened the little bag, getting giddy, taking out the small sugary treat. "Wait- When did you make that?"

"Last night." Luz said.

"I was with you last night-" Amity blurted out.

The other three, not including Luz, ooed, the Blight shushing them all, her face heating up from slight embarrassment; "We were in a call!"

"Yes we were, though you didn't notice me leave for 4 hours, so I made these." Luz explained.

Joey put the sweet yet sour candy in his mouth; "Even better then the actual thing~" They hummed, taking a few more, putting it in his mouth. "Thank you~"

"You're welcome sweet Joey!" Luz smiled. "I'm going to work, if you can or want to, pass by okay?"

He nodded, giving her a big hug before waving goodbye, the students leaving, continuing down the street. "I still don't understand the relationship between you two Luz." Amity sighed.

"Netheir do I, but he's like a big brother if I knew what they were like." Luz fumbled.

"I'll be your little brother Luz!" Gus exclaimed, side hugging her.

The witch ruffled his hair; "Does this mean you'll have to do as I say?"

"I dunno!"

"Gus, go hug Willow." She demanded.

He snickered, side hugging Willow, the other human messing his hair further. "Amity."

The Blight perked up, looking up ahead at her; "Yes?"

"Why are you so far behind? If you're going to stay back there and not up here with us I might as well hold your hand to keep you up with us." Luz said, offering her palm to the human.

Amity pieced something together, just realizing- "You were that girl with the hood..You took me to the cafe..But I never understood why.." Amity mumbled, taking Luz's hand.

It was warm, somehow it was really warm when it was starting to get chilly outside; "Well there was a big guy following you, I didn't want you to get hurt or anything. He pulled out a weapon as soon as you both crossed the street."

"Wait really?"

"For a few blocks yeah, he wouldn't stop smirking at you etheir. He wasn't the nicest looking man. I'm glad I met you though, you're a very nice human Amity."

There. There it was again. That feeling Amity got whenever Luz said her name. She liked, no, she loved it when the witch said her name. Even if Luz was using it against her, Amity loved when Luz said her name, it gave her butterflies, sometimes even an ache in her chest. "I'm glad I met you too Luz, if I didn't get to meet you, there's a very high chance you would've died."

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