Arcade. [36 part 3]

480 36 23

"This is a claw machine, you move this," Amity said, pointing to the joystick. "To move that." She spoke, pointing to the claw. "Press the button when you're ready to drop the claw, and wait."

Amity hovered the claw over a small bunny plushie, pressing the button, the claw lowering itself. It grabbed the tag of the bunny, actually lifting it up and moving it towards the drop box, releasing the toy. "It doesn't always get the object you want, but they're cute."

The human took the toy out of the drop slot, offering it to Luz, the witch taking it, giving it a small squeeze. "You can use this card to slide it and allow you to play the games here." Amity spoke, holding up the card, pointing to the weird glowy box that says to slide your card.

Luz hummed quietly, having to remember that. "Okay, what's that thing with the glowly button?" Luz asked, pointing to the machine.

It was one of those, pick your starting color, then when the next pie slice I guess, is next, you press the button when you see your color again. Reach the end, and you get a prize. Amity explained it to her, sliding the card, letting Luz pick her color. Yellow. It went to the next slice, right again.

Luz nearly missed the next one, getting a few more, then the final one. This one was quick. She pressed the button when she saw her color, miss. "That was a great try Luz, you were close." Amity said, gently nudging her.

The witch let out a snarl, pointing towards the slide machine, Amity sliding the card again. Luz picked purple this time, Amity wanting to know how this turned out. Luz ended up getting all, wanting to get the major prize.

She even reached the last one, very well about to panic. Yellow, Orange, Blue, Dark Blue, Red, Pur- 'SMACK' Luz panted quietly as all the rings glowed purple, a few numbers popping up to let her pick her prize. The witch looked at all the caged prizes, picking number six (6), a small hissing noise ensuing.

The box opened, Amity patting Luz's head, "Proud of you witch."

Luz got her prizes, two (2) of them that were together, very well liking these prizes. She offered the cinema light box to the human, Amity taking it, confused. "For you!"

"You sure? You spent like three (3) minutes panicking and this seems unfair."

Luz closed the box, the game resetting and locking the box. "Well you did pay for the card. This game is hard."

Amity smiled softly, "Heh, I can tell. What did you keep?"

Luz showed off the mushroom toothblue speaker, the witch purring quietly from contained excitement. "I think it looks cool but I dunno how to use it!"

"I'll get Skara to teach you that later." Amity said. "She knows more about that then me."

"Oh!" Luz exclaimed, spooking Amity a bit. "You said you were going to do something to Skara for saying -----!"

"Luz don't you dare say that word. I have to go kick her- Tail." Amity muttered, patting Luz's head. "I'll be right back, look for Porter, have him explain this stuff to you."

The witch nodded slowly, Amity walking past her, leaving. Luz walked around with her mushroom and bunny, looking for Gus, the male being slightly shorter then Luz. Found him. He was throwing red, rubber balls at a clown, the witch carefully coming up behind him. He knocked down the top three rows of the clowns, just throwing around eight (8) of the rubber balls anywhere.

He knocked down three (3) to his process, the male counting that as a win. Gus looked back, letting out a high pitched scream when he spotted Luz, the witch covering her ears. He panted heavily, sighing loudly in relief when it was just- "Luz you scared me!" He sighed again. "What's up?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Amity wanted me to find you, so you could tell me what these games are."

He pulled his tablet out of his satchel, fumbling with it and showing the screen to Luz, "This, is an arcade machine. There's games like Man-Pac, Air Hockey, Key Piano Tiles, Connect Five, Claw Machines, Push Coins, Dead VS. Herbs, Surfer of Subways, Fu Kung Polar Bear catch the dumplings, and many others." He spoke, sliding the screen everytime he switched games.

Luz slid back, pointing to the one game that really caught her attention, "What is Key Piano Tiles?"

He pulled his card out of his pocket, sliding his tablet back in his bag, "Come, I'll show you."


Luz was exceptional in the game. The only game she was good at actually. Man-Pac? No, she died right away. Connect Five? Not even close to winning, she sucked at it. Push Coins, amateur, she could do it, but didn't like how the card that dropped always screwed her over. Dead VS. Herbs, she got scared of the dead because WOW they were ugly. Surfer of Subways, she wouldn't get the hang of it.

Fu Kung Polar Bear catch the dumplings, she had to hit the buttons at the of the machine roughly, they were loud and annoying. Air Hockey has yet to be tried. Key Piano Tiles was easy and was a matter of speed to hit the keys before she could even see them at the top of the screen. "Winner score! Two hundred and eighteen (218)!"

First place again. Luz let out a small yay, Gus congratulating her as he lost at thirteen (13) tiles. "Oh right! What is Air Hockey?" Luz asked, looking at the male.

He got up from the seat, Luz getting up as well, Gus guiding her towards the tables. He slid his card, a small neon green puck coming out of Luz's side. The witch curiously took it, a small hissing sound catching her attention. She put the puck on the table, lightly pushing it. She awhed quietly as it floated around on the table, Gus sliding over her striker.

The witch examined it, curious. "Do you mind explaining the task?" Luz asked.

Gus struggled to reach the puck, pulling it over to his side, holding on to the striker. "You use this," He said, holding up the white striker. "To hit the puck." He spoke, demonstrating it.

It hit the rims, Gus catching it before it went to Luz's side, "Ooh~"

"There's a slot right in front of you, where you try to get the puck in to." Gus said, hitting the puck.

It went in to Luz's slot, the witch taking it out of it's exit place. She placed it back on the table, hitting it with her striker, Gus carefully hitting it back. Luz awhed quietly, hitting the puck back to Gus, actually managing to slide it in his slot. "That's a point. Whoever gets to nine (9) first, wins!"

Luz nodded, getting ready to, like Amity says, kick his @$$!

To be continued.

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